I watched a lot of football at The Catwalk. They have UNBELIEVABLE crab cakes with a ramekin of spicy aioli that I hid behind my drink when the waitress came to clear the appetizer plate so I could keep it to try on my entree. I ended up trying it on the croutons from my salad, but it’s really the crabcakes+aioli that makes magic.
Jason and I went for dinner, and got to witness the awesome polar-bear action of the Packers. Then friends Jasmine and Kelly came to watch the Patriots in full New England style. (We rolled in chowder and mispronounced our rrrrrs.) No, we got drunk and felt superior. Seriously – that pump fake?
Anyway, Jason left some time in the third quarter I think. We girls were doing a good job of having just enough drinks to complete our New England duty, when our waitress came over and said that a representative from Narragansett beer was buying pints for anyone who wanted them. Haaaaar. I went home and tried playing Big Brain Academy for kicks. As you can imagine, I did poorly, but it was hilarious to my drunk self.
The general events of my Sunday were unremarkably domestic until working out with Laura. We went to the gym, then walked all over New Bedford because it was so nice out. It quickly turned cloudy, windy, and cold. It was more invigorating than traumatic, and I felt better about all the crabcakes.
I made black bean hummus, which turned out surprisingly well, considering I didn’t have lemon or cayenne pepper. That was part of dinner (other parts of dinner? chips and salsa). Then Jason and I watched more football and I finally figured what was going on with my sweater.
{knitting diatribe} I am knitting a baby sweater for Steph, and since you pick up stitches for the sleeves, I can’t knit them at the same time, which would assure symmetry. I had finished the second sleeve, and could not figure out why it did not match the first sleeve. Same decreasing, same number of stitches started with and ended with … I kept remeasuring and counting until I was crosseyed. I should have recognized the symptoms, because in the end, it was that I had used the smaller needles reserved for the cuffs on the whole sleeve. There was an odd ridge where I picked up stitches, but I thought that was my sloppy work. Nope, it was my lack of attention. So now I’m back in business, and Oliver may have this sweater before he grows too big for it after all! {/knitting diatribe}
After the game, Jason and I decided to play some Lego Star Wars. I wanted to listen to an album at the same time, so I thought long and hard about what one would listen to while playing Lego Star Wars.

Now, it could be something light and whimsical, like the Juno soundtrack, because of the kidlike, Lego quality to the game, but I went with something that would make me want to get just a teensy bit agro, and revel in all the limbs I was going to be disassembling. I went with Superchrist.

We’ve listened to it enough now that we can sing along, and since Lego Star Wars is fairly easy to play, we could concentrate on both at the same time. It was a fantastic evening. Thank you, Superchrist. You’re keeping my marriage strong, and my deaf cat alert.