Last week was rough, and I took Mary and Laura’s offer (in the comments of the last post — reason enough to blog right there) to come down to Fairhaven and New Bedford to visit. There are no photos to commemorate the event, but it was a great day. Here’s 80, all dressed up in the romper my aunt Sharon made her*, before we got in the car.
We left at 9:30, and 80 napped in the car the whole way there. We met up with Laura for a walk to the library (my former workplace) and lunch at Elizabeth’s**. We talked birth and babies, as Laura is going to be giving birth in the next few weeks.
Then 80 and I drove to New Beige to visit Mary and her fabulous family. I’m not using superlatives lightly. Jason and I agree that Mary and KC are the best parents we know. We channel them when we are stuck on a parenting decision. I made several covert observations while I was there, for future use. If 80 turns out like any of her children, I’ll be delighted. Mary’s youngest and 80 are very close in age, and got to meet for the first time. They mostly did the year-old thing of playing around each other, but not really with each other. 80 napped while I hung out with the family and ate various delicious crackers.
80 and I drove home after her nap, which I was nervous about. She’s in a rear-facing carseat, and I was driving alone, so it’s a long hour if something is bothering her. At first she was kind of cranky, but after I started feeding her a steady stream of snacks, she was happy the whole way home.
We ate dinner, Jason came home, we played on the porch. 80 was in such a great mood, fun and funny and …
I can hear 80 right now, awake in her crib, and I hear velcro. She’s wearing just a diaper so you’ll have to excuse me.
*YES, THAT’S HOMEMADE. My aunt Sharon is a fabric whisperer.
**I had pesto and almond encrusted haddock, for you foodies.