Monthly Archives: January 2006

Me and You and Everyone We Know: A Review

You know when someone tells you you’re REALLY going to like something, you rarely do. There’s something about the perceived amazingness that doesn’t live up to what’s in your head.

So when Jake asked if I had seen Me and You and Everyone We Know, and “good christ is that film right up your alley”, I immediately thought of this phenomenon. Will I actually like it? Will I analyze why Jake said that?

So I watched it last night. I did homework diligently until 9:30, then made a nest (Dr. Kim style*) so I could watch in solitary comfort.

So as to actually review the movie, I can say that this is not a blockbuster, formulaic, tired story. This was not a broad-sweeping, everybody-loves-it movie. This movie seemed very, very real to me. Not that it was realist, but that the kinds of things people though, and the kinds of actions they took are the same as what I think of doing.

We’re all a little bit weird. We all have our quirky tendencies and penchants. This particular movie seemed to focus on those tendencies and penchants that I like to think about. So in a way, this movie was made especially for those who have a similar style of though. Of course, others will like it. But for those of us who’s socks are knocked off by the movie, it’s something special. I described it to a friend as the same feeling as when you were younger and reading a book that filled you with such emotion, with such feeling that you certainly weren’t able to feel on your own. I lament the fact that my brain has become a grown-up and I can’t just have that feeling any time I read a decent story.

I think that one up side to this gradual loss is that when a movie or book does fill me to the brimming full with a feeling, it’s extra miraculous, because it’s a rare, rare treat.

Right. Back to the movie. There are adult characters, there are teen characters, there are child characters. There are complex interactions and complicated relationships. In it all, there is nothing mystical, nothing overly serendipitous (except for the ))<>(( thing), and nothing moral. It’s like real life, as told by someone like me.

At the end of it, I realized how I wished I had watched the movie with someone, someone who felt the same way as I did about the movie. That would mean that they were like me.

*Dr. Kim nest: many pillows and blankets piled around and on top of oneself – can be done on a couch or on the floor


I finally got film back from my trek to Iowa and my first meeting with Sir Isaac Alexander.*

I was insanely pleased with the photographs I took of Stephanie and her loinfruit. So, so immensely pleased that I’m posting them. Even though they’re a Flickr set. They make my ovaries tingle.







*Dude, is it ok if I use babies’ names online? I mean, who’s going to google him? Santa?
(submission and mastery)

I just got my submission back with acceptance to the next level of Master Knitting!

I just popped the top on my celebratory wine cooler. Goodbye garter swatches,
hello argyle sock!

One down, two to go. Then you will have to call me Master.

More gushing about Stephanie’s genes

I finally got film back from my trek to Iowa and my first meeting with Sir Isaac Alexander.*

I was insanely pleased with the photographs I took of Stephanie and her loinfruit. So, so immensely pleased that I’m posting them. Even though they’re a Flickr set. They make my ovaries tingle.







*Dude, is it ok if I use babies’ names online? I mean, who’s going to google him? Santa?

These four things.

I’m going to go ahead and pretend that I was personally tagged by Inky. Plus I like to feel special.

Four Jobs You Have Had In Your Life
1. Wildland firefighter
2. Village Inn
3. Chemistry Library graduate assistant
4. Teske’s Garden center

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Beetlejuice
2. Tank Girl
3. Amelie
4. Empire Records

Four TV Shows You Love to Watch
1. The Office
2. The Office
3. Arrested Development
4. Family Guy

Four Places You Have Lived
1. Calamus, IA
2. Washington, DC
3. Höhenkirchen, Germany
4. Champaign, IL

Four Places You Have Been On Vacation
1. Galway, Ireland
2. Quasqueton, IA
3. Holden Beach, NC
4. Florida Keyyyyyyyyyys

Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Crazy Aunt Purl
2. Salon
3. BoingBoing
4. Jake
(really, this last question is a bit silly, for all you need to do is look at my Bloglines.)

I tag … E-tech!

Vision, or flashbacks?

Right now, just now, I realized that I could see my pulse visually. I mean, I realized that if I focused my attention on the peripheral view of my eyes, I could see movements that correlated to the rhythm of my heartbeat. The blood entering and leaving changed the shape of my eye, perceptively so.

That’s a new one.


Skirts and dames

woodgrain skirt

This is the skirt at Target I am going to buy today. I don’t even care that I’m paying full price, and that full price is a full $24.99. It’s woodgrain, for Cripe’s sake.

Update: As it turns out, the skirt comes to about mid-calf, and doesn’t pleat as cutely – it’s more fabric than I thought. I had a talk with myself in the dressing room, and decided that it’s not the bee’s knees (especially since it covered mine). I’m taking the chance that it might go on sale, and will go see if there’s a better, more awesome fabric at Joann’s. Ha.

Doesn’t this look like the Picasso lounge?

This is the beautiful result of people who love books and moving stuff around. If you’ve built a rock wall, and like playing bar, this is the natural result.

book bar

It looks a lot like the house I used to hang out in during college. I believe that spot is now a parking lot on the corner of Brady and Lombard. Realistically, it probably looks like everyone’s college hangout. I mean, the pride of bottles and beer cartons on the wall is really a specific time in every decorator’s life. It’s one grade above the bottles filled with water and the core of a highlighter in front of a blacklight in your dorm window.