Monthly Archives: October 2006

Geekout: jack-o-lantern

Dewey pumkin

I turned my pumkin into a jack-o-lantern with the carving of the Dewey classification number for … jack-o-lanterns.

The eyes tear up just thinking about how geeky that is.

GSLIS Halloween 2006

Here is my Halloween costume.

Halloween 2006

My costume was that I wasn’t wearing a costume (unless the Sonya costume consists of jeans and hoodies) but I had a big ol’ flesh wound. My story goes that I was mugged on the way to the party. The muggers were kind of bitey. My plan was to turn zombie halfway through the evening. I succeeded.


I didn’t drink too much, but I did eat too much candy. That’s edible blood I made, then left in the microwave too long, so then it became hard candy blood. That, plus a cupcake and dozens of handfuls of candy corn left me with a tummyache the likes of which have not been seen since nigh 1985.

Also, check out Zombie Einstein.

zombie einstein

He says “E=MC(dead)”.

Then he bit me.

zombie einstein + zombie sonya

p.s. – like Miss E said, rum jello shots are just fine. I overreacted.

Worst idea ever: black rum jello shots

I’m cohosting the Hottt Librarian Halloween Party tonight, and I am in charge of making gelatin shots (it’s Mejer brand, and I will not be part of copyright infringement).

Today I learned that although you CAN mix grape and lime gelatin, and it WILL make a convincing black color, it’s not very tasty.

THEN I learned that there’s a reason people use vodka for jello shots. Right now I have a tray of evil jello shots stinking up my fridge. Wadsbone suggested that we use them as punishment during the party. There will be some double-dog dares tonight.


My friends Kate and Aden tied the proverbial a few weeks ago, and I have to say it was the the most <3 wedding I’ve ever been to. My desire is for weddings to be full of sincere promises and simple overatures. This one took the … cake.

bling! bling bling!

The weekend in general was fantastic, and the wedding was the icing on … the … um … cake. A trip to Iowa always makes me cheerful, and I got to spend time with my sister, which made me super happy. There was a event miracle involving me realizing I forgot to apply deoderant before leaving for the wedding, and Marti having van deoderant. I’m still amazed at that.

sonya + socks

The reception was chilly – so much so that I first turned to knee socks, then ended up changing into jeans (oh no! not that!) – but a metric ton of fun. I haven’t seen a lot of the Chicago crew, and it was nice to see them all again, in their Sunday best, no less. Shippy, for instance, I have not seen since Halloween. I haven’t seen Shippy’s sig.oth. since that past life when we worked on the same merchant ship (circa 1780).

Anyway, Jason and I were both thrilled at the ability for cool kids to have a chill wedding and have it mean everything it’s supposed to – without getting bogged down ritual. That’s just me, but since we’re looking at a RAGBRI wedding, convention is the last thing I’m concerned with.

In fact, my concern is with whether or not I have the ability to sew jersey. It should be … cake.
My grandma gave me a cucumber,
so I made maki with it.

cucumber maki

That is all.

Best wedding evah: Kate and Ade

My friends Kate and Aden tied the proverbial a few weeks ago, and I have to say it was the the most <3 wedding I’ve ever been to. My desire is for weddings to be full of sincere promises and simple overatures. This one took the … cake.

bling! bling bling!

The weekend in general was fantastic, and the wedding was the icing on … the … um … cake. A trip to Iowa always makes me cheerful, and I got to spend time with my sister, which made me super happy. There was a event miracle involving me realizing I forgot to apply deoderant before leaving for the wedding, and Marti having van deoderant. I’m still amazed at that.

sonya + socks

The reception was chilly – so much so that I first turned to knee socks, then ended up changing into jeans (oh no! not that!) – but a metric ton of fun. I haven’t seen a lot of the Chicago crew, and it was nice to see them all again, in their Sunday best, no less. Shippy, for instance, I have not seen since Halloween. I haven’t seen Shippy’s sig.oth. since that past life when we worked on the same merchant ship (circa 1780).

Anyway, Jason and I were both thrilled at the ability for cool kids to have a chill wedding and have it mean everything it’s supposed to – without getting bogged down ritual. That’s just me, but since we’re looking at a RAGBRI wedding, convention is the last thing I’m concerned with.

In fact, my concern is with whether or not I have the ability to sew jersey. It should be … cake.

“How hard is it to bang my girl in the library?”

From the Chambana Craigslist,

“My girlfriend and I have discussed at length about having sex somewhere crazy on campus. We both came up with the library. Anybody know how hard it would be or the best location to go at it? Thanks,


So, my hottt librarians, what do you think? I had previously considered if it would be possible to live in the main stacks for a short period of time (taken from the UIUC urban legend of the PhD student who was between leases for a few months and did just that) but I hadn’t done the research as to what the lowest-used call-number range is. Any suggestions?

Hott Librarian

In my quest to achieve hot librarian status, I’m on the lookout for examples of hot librarians.

Other than the fact that the card catalog is used (tooootally unrealistic), it’s like the movie Party Girl – fast forwarded a decade, and in music video form.