Monthly Archives: February 2007


It’s kind of amazing when little kids come in with their parents, and they say, “can I buy this book?”

Then again, I can’t complain about the consumerism of books, partly because buying books is a fine way to spend money (as opposed to hookers or sugar-free candy) and because it’s making my life a wee bit easier when it comes to deciding how many copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I’m going to buy for the library.

I’ve been talking to kids who are already saving their money so they can buy it. I’ve been told that we’ll be inundated with donated copies after a few weeks, so for those two reasons, I’m not going to overbuy.

And for those of you who are not so interested in children’s librarian topics, I apologize. I swear that I’ll get back to posts about knitting and drinking too much (my two favorite vices) thusly.

Thoughts on stuff. Job stuff.

What I’m really enjoying about this job is the make-it-up-as-you-go-every-day thing. There is a huge supply of crafts, so I go down to the craft dungeon, and try to come up with cool stuff to do, and tie it in with some stories. So there’s that kind of creativity. Then there’s the creativity it takes to switch up my plans when I have too many / not enough / cranky / asleep / sobbing children at the program. I’m sure a lot of this will get easier as I do it more, but I’m wondering what the payoff will be. Now, if things go well, I’m elated. In a few years, will I have this much nervous energy? Will I be nonplussed by the antics of children? Will I loathe the websites and bands high schoolers are into?

Or will I become a driving force, unstoppable by any snotty nose or petulant look?

Storytime: colors

Storytime from last Friday.

Song: I’m a Little Teapot
Story: Samuel Todd’s Book of Great Colors
Song and dance: Color Square Dance (each kid got stickers denoting what colors they were, and we went over what the moves were)
Blue step forward, then turn around
Walk back to your place, and jump up and down.
Reds, hop to the middle, and back again
Find the yellows, and shake their hand.
Now purple you slowly turn around,
Clap your hands and make a sound.
Do-si-do, around we go,
All the colors, heel to toe.

Story: The Color Kittens
Rhyme: Color Rhyme
If your clothes have any red, put your finger on your head.
If your clothes have any blue, put your finger on your shoe.
If your clothes have any green, wave your hand so you are seen.
If your clothes have any yellow, smile like a happy fellow.
If your clothes have any brown, turn your smile into a frown.
If your clothes have any black, put your hands behind your back.
If your clothes have any white, stamp your feet with all your might.

Craft: Pre-cut crayons to color (from Copycat mag).

The same basic storytime was used today for the 1-3 year olds. It didn’t work as well. There was a massive age range, and they were mostly too young to engage with the color identification action. I’m thinking I’ll need to set some guidelines for what’s appropriate behavior – so there isn’t as much distraction.

I’m a Little Teapot
Samuel Todd
Color Rhyme
Hickory Dickory Dock
Row Row
Of Colors and Things
Color Rhyme
I’m a Teapot

Storytime: Valentine’s Day, Redux

I fucking kicked storytime’s ASS.

Not only did I figure out how to arrange things so I used up 45 minutes perfectly, I had a hit after hit after hit, whilst dealing with new kids (unknown temperaments! wants to touch the pictures!) and a cold room.

I figured out how to keep the kids focused, or at least on the storytime rug, when they show up early. I’ve instituted kiddo yoga. Not that I call it that, but I thought maybe if we did some stretches, the kids would stop running around and screaming or being afraid and hiding in their mothers’ arms. I was right. Abbie told me about how one of her friends circumvented cranky kids by having them stretch. “Cranky (arms up) … stretching (arms to the ground)”. Anyway, by the time we were done stretching, everyone had arrived.

STORYTIME: Valentine’s Day (45 min.)
Stretching – arms up to the ceiling, up on tippy toes (if you have developed that balance), then out to the side, then down to the ground like a willow tree.

Rhyme: I’m a Little Valentine (to the tune of I’m a Little Teapot)

Song: Row Row Row Your Boat (seated)

Story: Who’s Baby Am I? by John Butler

Song/game: One Little, Two Little, Three Little Bubbles – the moms blew bubbles while we sang, and the kids popped bubbles. It worked really well for the young ones, and the older ones helped me sing along. Note: moms can’t blow bubbles and sing without hyperventilating or inhaling soap.

Song: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes – first normal speed, then slow. I didn’t think they could do fast.

Story: The Best Thing about Valentines, by Eleanor Hudson

Craft: Valentines – I cut out shapes, and they scribbled with crayons.

Game: Valentine Hunt – I hid 3′ pom-poms all over the room, and the kids found them, ala Easter eggs.


Dear sweet lord. Mmmm. Sweet lord.

I’m craving sugar. Last night I mowed through a box of Japanese liquor chocolates that Al sent. Today, I’ve been raiding the circ desk’s gummi bear stash.

I was changing out the display in the case in the children’s room, and briefly pondered eating the crafts. I mean, they were airplanes made out of candy, but still. They were at least 5 months old (when my predecessor left).

I’m looking at them right now. Still looking.

Tiny overwhelm.

I’ve been looking up rhymes, songs, and finger plays to do for storytime. I know a lot of Girl Scout camp songs which about girly things or death, primarily. I know I know nursery rhymes, but I feel rusty. I’ve been looking up books with lyrics, and that’s been helpful, but I find when we do them during storytime, the kids and parents know them better than I do. And apparently, the version on the video everyone ELSE had seen went a little different.


I don’t want to spend my evenings watching kids videos over and over, to perfect my tune to match the Disney version. I suppose that kind of thing happens once you have children, listening to Raffi CDs in the car and whatnot, but I struggle with it now.



This is my desk at work. Today it has flowers on it. My parents sent an awesome plantgift, with flowers (my mom would often buy flowers for my birthday, because the dead of winter is a good time to have fresh flowers in the house) and potted plants, so I’ll have something that lives.

The crocus is from Juanita, the assistant director.

I brought doughnuts to work today. I had a Boston cream, which is suitable. I had a FANTASTIC lunch, complete with chocolate cheesecake with cherries (ooh, alliterative). Jason picked me up after work, and brought me home to …


This is one of my comfort foods. It’s called Italian soup, and Jason got the recipe from my mom so he coud make it for me. We both ate way too much, and I took this picture AFTER we had eaten. The rest is in freezer bags. I have a feeling we’ll have more cold weather, and this will be perfect.

After dinner, we went to see The Queen. I highly enjoyed the movie. I have a tiny bit of Anglophile in me, and I took full appreciation for the perspectives of the royal family and of the prime minister.

I’m exhausted from being a birthday princess, so I will now go to bed.

Glucklich Geburtstag

In reality, I’m 28. It’s great. I’ll celebrate with my mate tonight at … six.

I got a birthday pigeon from Anarchy Ann:

I also got flowers from family and friends, cards, emails, e-card, and a tight-lipped beau who’s picking me up from work tonight. I’ll post more later after I finish my day of birth celebration.

Mom, Dad, feel free to post a comment with my birthday story. You know, how you almost named me Abigayle, and you saw Superman, and you thought Dad was driving over the rail road tracks too fast, but it turns out you were in labor, and there was a blizzard, and I was the first laboye? baby born at Dewitt Hospital and I was cute and fat. That stuff. Talk about that stuff.

Today’s blog post is brought to you by the letter V

Yesterday I was hanging out in the children’s section after storytime with the kiddoos. A small patron asked if I’d read her a story. She had pulled a volume of a phonics set, so we read a book about the letter V. At the end, there was a full-page spread of illustrations. Every item started with V, so we started naming them. Violin, flowers (no, violets), vegetables, etc. I asked for some more V words. This tiny patron thought for a second and said in a clear, high voice, “vagina.”
