Monthly Archives: October 2005

Applying Elliott Smith to Library Science

As I sat down tonight with my cup of tea to read the required articles for this week, I noted how old they were – by no means a deviation from this semester’s norm. For some reason, the next thing that happened was the title line popped into my head “everything means nothing to me”.

My synapses are poignant as fuck. (Hi, Mom.)

It seems all the articles I’m reading are horribly outdated, and I’m just not taking them seriously anymore. I’m not sure why my brain connected my frustration to Elliott Smith’s song, but it was kind of neat.

Now I have to go play that song, so it isn’t stuck in my head all night.

The night time is the right time

Click the image for the Flickr set!

Man, the next generation of librarians are going to rule. We had the GSLIS* Halloween party last night at Jason and my place. Kasey hosted as well, and the whole thing went off without a hitch. There was booze, there were snacks, and there were crazy crazy librarians (and opera singers and drummers and neighbors) all over the place. Highlights included Artemis breaking her bow, Makers Mark, and my favorite part: Dance Party USA. So librarians shake it as well as booze it. I knew I picked the right profession. I managed to not get tanked (Hi Mom!) and even got up and put all the pictures I have on Flickr.

Now I’m off to Chicago for more Halloweening and staying at the B&B B&B. Maybe I’ll even get some work done in the car.

*Graduate School of Library and Information Science
I managed to squeeze four weekends into my weekend. I hosted a party, cleaned up a party, drove to Chicago, partied in Chicago, got a ton of work done, watched TV and played Truncated Pursuit (Trivial Pursuit without the cards), came home from Chicago, and was in bed early enough to not be cranky today.

I honestly believe that this is the best picture ever.
how do you like them apples?
Thanks, Kim!

Librarian Halloween

Click the image for the Flickr set!

Man, the next generation of librarians are going to rule. We had the GSLIS* Halloween party last night at Jason and my place. Kasey hosted as well, and the whole thing went off without a hitch. There was booze, there were snacks, and there were crazy crazy librarians (and opera singers and drummers and neighbors) all over the place. Highlights included Artemis breaking her bow, Makers Mark, and my favorite part: Dance Party USA. So librarians shake it as well as booze it. I knew I picked the right profession. I managed to not get tanked (Hi Mom!) and even got up and put all the pictures I have on Flickr.

Now I’m off to Chicago for more Halloweening and staying at the B&B B&B. Maybe I’ll even get some work done in the car.

*Graduate School of Library and Information Science

It’s all coming together.

I’ve been having a bit of a heart wrench lately, thinking about what kind of hot librarian I want to be when I’m done with the program.

I’ve known I wanted to be a children’s librarian since I was in high school, and I came to school with that as my goal. I started volunteering in the conservation library (The Place that Fixes Broken Books) and have kind of fallen in love with it. I’m not as much a fan of preservation – that means writing reports and guidelines and grants – but I do love fixin’ books.

So I talked to the amazing Jennifer Hain Teper today about how I could possibly mash-up these two happy things. She, of course, had the answer I wanted to hear. She described having a background in conservation as a cookie. I’d be a public library young adult librarian candidate with a wonderful, useful, not-common cookie. A sidehatch, if you will.

I feel so much better about spending all this time in the conservation lab, and I’m going to sign up for a practicum next semester that will allow me to learn about how preservation and conservation in a public library works – because public libraries often do not have a good system for this – and I will be even more valuable as a possible employee. That makes me feel extra smug about it.

The Blind Man, you say?

I’ve been biking by this all semester, and just had to share:

The Blind Man

If you notice, there is a blind guy entangled in those vertical shades. Tasteless or hilarous? I think we can take a page out of the “Family Guy” book. Here, let me show you:

Greased up naked blind guy

It’s the greased up naked blind guy!

“You’re never gonna catch me! You’re wasting your time. Go do something else!”

I won the tee shirt contest!

Here’s my winning tee shirt design. (And by “my”, I mean “The Hendersons, who gave a lecture on preservation”.)

This, not this

I suppose if you non-GSLIS folks want one, I could wrangle it. Marti?

Stabby stabby

I had my first librarical injury. While volunteering in the conservation library, I managed to stab myself in the thumb (behind the nail, not on the pad) with a pair of small pointy scissors. I absolutely cannot believe how much I bled. Seriously.

That got me thinking about the last time I gushed blood from my hand. It was, I think, almost exactly five years ago that I cut off the end of a finger with a giant paper cutter. (Mom, do you remember?)

So yeah. I should be good on the book-injury front for a while. I hope I’m immune to paper cuts now. Oh, and I managed to not bleed on the book I was fixing.

Knit a tit.

tit bit

That’s right. I said it. From the fall surprise, I learned about Tit Bits, a website that provides both knitted fake boobies and support (get it – support!) for breast cancer survivors. Knitty has a free pattern for making your own tit, and although I don’t have anyone in my life who needs a new breast, I thinkI might make one anyway, just in case.

(Much like making a penguin jumper, just in case there’s another oil spill near Antartica.)

Pebbles’ Mom’s Energy Bar recipe

energy bar recipe

Better than any Clif Bar or can of beans, this souped up Rice Crispies bar has been my savior (as a cranky hypoglycemic). Made with love, these things can fuel you through a day of hiking (lovely with a few slices of yard-o’-beef and some Tang).

Made with spite, they’ll tear you apart from the inside. Kidding.

Added to list of “Jobs to Have”

I’ve been researching how to uglify my bike – I have a shiny red, white, and blue (gag) mountain bike, and I don’t want it to get stolen. Chambana isn’t an urban letch, but college towns=stolen bikes.

Although I’ve decided that uglifying might take more than a little duct tape (I’m considering knitting a bike cozy), I ran across a really fun, engaging article/blog post about deciding to be a bike courier. The author used to be a coder, so there’s an element of ‘damn the man’, but in a cube-hater way. Office Space is mentioned.

I’ve been riding more than I have in years, so maybe that’s why I’m so charmed by this little piece of writing. I could see being a bike courier for a while.

Even if you hate being outside, it’s an interesting peek into the life of, as the author states, “two wheels and a meat motor.”
