Monthly Archives: February 2010

3 of 3 (welcome to the third trimester, here, have a donut)

Thursday marks the rollover date for The Soybean. It’s kind of like an estimated birthday, or reverse-birthday, since the actual birth day hasn’t arrived yet. Conception day sounds too creepy. Conceptión Day sounds better.


Yesterday marked the 28th week of my beknocked uppedness. I was always irritated by people who spoke of their pregnancy (or children’s ages) in terms of weeks, because it meant I had to divide by four to get a number that was meaningful to me. Much like how much a salary is, or how much a house costs, my ability to understand the numbers is something that came with age. 28 weeks = seven months, which would then mean that I have two months to go (8 weeks), but in reality, human gestation is a bit longer than that (40 weeks total), so I actually have 12 weeks to go.*

So what does this mean? The Soybean is over two pounds now, and if she were born now, she’d fare … ok. My plan is to keep her in for another 12 weeks.

What does this mean for me? Month 5.5-6.5 was kind of crappy, body-wise. I really couldn’t sleep in any position other than my sides, and I started getting back aches when standing or sitting for too long. This meant I was uncomfortable no matter where I was. I also was waking up a lot at night, unable to fall asleep. That may be par for some of your courses, but not me. I’m a good sleeper, and I want to get as much of it as I can NOW.

I thought (and even admitted to Jason) that if this is how crappy it is now, there’s no WAY I was going to be comfortable again for the next 3.5 months.

Starting mid-way through month six, I started being able to sleep better, and my back stopped hurting. I recognize that it’s not that much to complain about, since I’m bringing some effing life into the world in exchange.

What I’ve learned is that there’s a fine line between feeling like myself, and feeling like an incubator. When I’m not achey, when I can sleep at night, when I can wear jeans and a hoodie, I feel like myself. (I recently acquired maternity jeans and a maternity hoodie — my standard uniform, expanded.) If I’m uncomfortable, I feel so radically different, it’s surprising. It’s not like when I’m sick, even really sick. Maybe it’s knowing I’m not just outpacing a cold, I’m running the equivalent to a marathon, and it’s nowhere close to over yet.

*I’ll save all irritation at the whole gestation length being off by 2 weeks, because doctors count from your last period, instead of when you actually got pregnant, but whatever. It’s a joyous occasion, and I can’t get my panties in a bunch anyway. They’re stretched too tight.

It’s a … (the pink/blue post).

Avert your eyes now, if you don’t want to know the sex of The Soybean.

When we had an ultrasound, we were given the choice to know the baby’s sex*. We opted to find out. The ultrasound technician must have figured out a long time ago how to best handle this event, because she told us before she put the wand down on my belly that she’d be doing all the measuring, counting and observing she needed to do for the doctor, then she’d try to check the baby’s sex.

She plunked the wand down, and on the monitor, we saw a baby. Specifically, we saw the crotch of a baby. The Soybean was ass-up, legs splayed. The technician said “Well, usually we wait, but it’s obviously a girl.”

I looked over at Jason, and saw the most amazing thing. I could see his expression change, and I could hear the thought in his head (which was the same thing that was occurring to me), which was to say “I don’t have a baby, I have a daughter“.

It was a brief, subtle moment, but I will never forget it.

*Jason pointed out that we won’t know the baby’s gender until they’re old enough to tell us.

Fast craft: initial singularity

Fast craft: initial singularity, originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

I wanted to make a personalized onesie* for my friends’ baby, Emerson. First I had
thought of a heat-transferred or screenprinted image of Ralph Waldo,
but decided against anything that you couldn’t wash a million times,
or that might feel unpleasant against the skin.

This was the fastest craft I have ever crafted. Here’s how to make an
embroidered monogrammed onesie in 15 minutes.

1. Go to the thrift store and buy a onesie. I got this one for a dollar.
2. Using a pencil, draw the letter(s) you want to embroider. One of
the appealing factors to this aesthetic is the simplicity, so don’t
overdo it with the serifs.
3. Using sewing thread (I knotted the ends together, giving me a
doubled stitch), stitch over the pencil marks. I went for longer
outward stitches and short back-facing stitches. If the fabric were
see-thru, it would look like this: -•-•-•-
4. Knot the thread and trim ends.
5. Feel the bask of pleasure that comes with crafting.

*Jason’s taken to calling onesies (like this one) "singularities". I
think we are going to be awesomely nerdy parents.

Getting scratched with colored pencils

One of the common things that happen to pregnant women (I prefer not to use the term ‘symptom’) is that the round ligaments that you never knew you had will protest as they stretch to cover the increasing distance between their points A and B.

I read that it’s usually a low groin or thigh ache. For a few months (mos. 3-5) I had a really strange sensation just to the left of my belly button. It felt exactly like a beam of sunburn the size of a quarter was being aimed at my belly. (Or, the sensation of being tattooed.) It recently went away.

Now, mirrored on the other side, but still way up high next to my belly button (which is way up high, far from where it lived before), I occasionally get the sensation that someone is poking me gently with a colored pencil.

Strange, that I so specifically recognize the feeling as a colored pencil. There must be something about the sensation that matches some childhood memory of the feeling of sharp colored pencils against the skin.

Happy birthday/superbowl to me

Happy birthday/superbowl to me, originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

I’m 31 today. I’m 6 months pregnant, I just agreed to buy a condo, and
I’m in the Bahamas*. I feel like I’m getting adulty real fast.

Jason feels similarly. We planned the pregnancy, but the trip and the
home buying were very recent decisions. Everything fell into place. We
thought about taking a quick trip, and found cheap flights. We have
friends who recently bought a place and had a kick-ass realtor who
they recommended, who helped us find exactly what we were looking for
in less than a week. We’ll get the home-buying tax credit, and will
have our own home before the Soybean arrives. It feels overwhelming,
but all of our decisions have a great deal of logic behind them.

Now my brain just has to catch up.

*I was only mildly horrified to learn that people refer to our trip as
a "babymoon". Really, it’s our belated honeymoon. We never took one
when we got married, mostly because I had a no vacation days during my
first year at the Millicent library.


The nesting has begun, in the form of wanting to blow $15 to get 5-10 mamazines. The ‘mamazine’ genre is a zine written about pregnancy, birth, or kiddos.

Despite knowing the genre name for years, I was surprised to not find a good bibliography of mamazines out there. So, I did what any self-respecting librarian would do – I first consulted Jenna Freedman, then I started a bibliography.

It’s going to need some work, and I will eventually post what I put together to a more public space, namely

I plan on buying a bunch of these, so if anyone wants to borrow them, let me know!