I’m beKindled! It was a surprise birthday present from Jason. I just bought the Kindle-only Stephen King novella. I’m 7% done.
Monthly Archives: February 2009
I left my haaaat in Chicaaaagoooo
OK, that doesn’t really work as well as ‘heart’ and ‘San Francisco’, but it’s true.
I got in to Chicago on Saturday, and then proceeded to make a series of mistakes.
1. I left “Jailbait Zombie” on the plane. I had finished it, so that’s good, but I had promised it to like five people, so that’s bad.
2. I put my train pass into the dollar slot on the bus. As soon as I did it, I noticed, and had a very nice “nooooooo” slo-mo voice to go with the slow mechanical taking of my card. The bus driver didn’t make me pay again.
3. I left the bowler hat I brought for Anton at Abby’s. I put it on the coat rack above my stuff, so I wouldn’t forget. On the upside, I cannot think of a better place to leave a bowler.
4. I left for the train an hour early. My computer clock said 10:15, but it was on East Coast time. At least I wasn’t an hour late.
5. I left my gloves in the cab. The cab was whisking me to the train station because I thought I was going to be late. There is no upside on this one.
I’d been having this quandary about how to locomote myself once I got to the suburbs, since there’s no car for me here. I’m staying at my grandma’s house, but she’s at a nursing home three miles away. That’s not *that* far, but it’s cold. To rent a car would have been $300. I was all set to borrow a bike (actually, three different friends all had bikes to lend, and a fourth friend was willing to go fetch and pump up tires, and this is how I know I have good (and bikey) friends) and in the middle of the night, I woke up and realized that I didn’t have proper gear for cold-weather biking, and that it would be miserable. I promptly fell asleep, and slept till morning.
I called my brother, because he’s logical and could help solve the puzzle. He talked to my mom today and came up with a brilliant plan. He and my mom are coming up tomorrow (since they have the day off for President’s Day), and I’ll drive back with them. There are a whole bevy of upsides to this: I get to see my other grandma, my sister and her baby, and the farm. Then, I’ll take one of their cars back up to Chicagoland later this week. I’ll still get plenty of days to hang out with grandma. My parents will both come up together, and then they’ll be able to drive me to the airport on Tuesday, then drive the two cars back home.
I feel like a weight’s been lifted. Too bad I can’t reward my brother with the bowler yet.
To Chicago, with Bowler
I couldn’t think of a better way to pack Anton’s hat. As it turns out,
you get a lot of men talking to you if you wear a bowler.
Arlington Heights, here I come.
I’m leaving tomorrow for Chicago. My grandma is full of cancer.
I should explain this. My grandma is smart and pragmatic. The experience of being near the end of life is not an overly-sentimental or wrenching experience for her, and by extension, not so for my family either. It’s been extraordinary seeing how well everyone is acting and making decisions. It’s very much informing how I will act when I’m near the end of my life.
I think I will blog more about my thoughts on this experience at a later date.
In the meantime, know that I’ll be getting to be with my family. I’m excited to go. I’m looking forward to reading the paper to Grandma, and dissecting the news with her. We will be eating bacon.
$5 bowler is the best bowler
I’m spending the last few days of my 20’s going to rock shows and
eating candy bars. Anything else I’m missing?
The Blue Wires at O’Briens.
Getting ready for my candy bar 30th birthday sugar blowout.
I just was in Urban Outfitters (to make fun of their stuff),
walked out of there with a $5 bowler (for my brother),
and several $2
books. The last time I went in there to make fun of the store I
noticed that they had a very nice hipster book collection. Lots of
Chuck Palanuik and really nice paperback copies of To Kill a
Mockingbird. Anyway, all those books are now on clearance. Also a
great Moleskin book of Boston stuff (which appears to be similar to
the NFT [Not for Tourists] guide that Jason and I swear by. So, if you
have an Urban Outfitters around, and you like the hipster genre of
books, it may be worth your time.
30 candy bars
I’m spending the last few days of my 20’s going to rock shows and
eating candy bars. Anything else I’m missing?
The Blue Wires at O’Briens.
Getting ready for my candy bar 30th birthday sugar blowout.
Running out the 29
I’m spending the last few days of my 20’s going to rock shows and
eating candy bars. Anything else I’m missing?
The Blue Wires at O’Briens.