I am not usually one for branded gear, but I was ecstatic to recieve this package from my Hawkeye-loving aunt and uncle. They chose size well, sending 3-6 month gear, perfect for foot ball season. I can’t wait to snuggle on the couch with my family to watch football.
Monthly Archives: May 2010
Happy 1 week birthday
At 7:24 tonight we celebrated what we did last Sunday, which was birth a child. This week has been unlike any other.
We celebrated with Ro and Mike, by hanging out in the living room, while I marathon breastfed. We’ll be able to tell her that everyone in the world was watching the Lost finale. We decided not to watch it, because she wouldn’t “get” the show out of context. She’ll really need to start at the beginning.
You are my [phototherapy]
Good morning!
Today we go back to the hospital for jaundice testing. We’ve been
trying to help flush the bilrubins with lots of feeding and sunshine.
This morning is the first sunshine at our disposal.
6 am 80
Here’s a gift for all you early risers. We’re sitting on the couch,
listening to the first birds chirping. This is the first time 80’s
heard morning bird noises.
Early morning 80
Here’s a gift for all you early risers. We’re sitting on the couch,
listening to the first birds chirping. This is the first time 80’s
heard morning bird noises.
It’s 6 am. It rained all night, which helped soothe everyone’s nerves
when thing were rough last night.
We’re using a middle-of-the-bed cosleeper, which we’re all going to
have to get used to. Tim and Lisa lent it to us (thank goodness,
because we hadn’t made any other sleeping arrangements before she
came), and I think it’ll be just the thing.
We finally got the hang of swaddling that lasts more than 15 minutes,
after an incident involving 80 kicking her legs free, only to then
realize that she’d then end up with cold feet. Heh, babies. Dumb.
I will also admit that I didn’t do a thorough enough job burping last
night, which led to A Situation (from here on out, caps mean there was
unconsolable crying, and bewilderment). She spit up and belched out
what had been ailing her, then fell asleep.
Hello, world!
Octavia! Much, much more later. Uh, 8 lbs, I was a tad busy when they
announced the length.
She is amazing to me, and Jason has absolutely rocked. All is well.