Monthly Archives: December 2004

End of the blear

Work is fun and crazy like the day before Christmas in an elementary school.

I am a little too distracted by it all to really think of anything that I've been pondering. I'll have to do that tomorrow.
I have to get my Illinois drivers license,
and since I'm from out of state,
I have to take the written test. It's funny,
because I haven't studied for this type of thing since I was 13. I'm actually learning a lot. I know the rules, but there are a lot of suggestions on safe driving that I should keep in mind.

– If your gas pedal becomes stuck, hook your foot behind the pedal to free it. If it is still stuck, shift into neutral and brake gently to slow down. (I wouldn't have thought of shifting into neutral during that panicky moment.)

-If you are in a crash that involves a power line or power source, stay in your vehicle. If you must leave (say, because the car is on fire), jump away from the car with both feet. Do not touch the car and the ground at the same time.

-" … whistles and bells are allowed <em>only on authorized</em> emergency vehicles." Kids, this means that you cannot add fancy-schmancy bells and whistles like neon undercarriage lights or sunroofs. This is not true. The manual is referring to actual bells and whistles. It's just funny that the two words are also a phrase my dad uses.

– "No motor vehicle may have a television set that is visible from the driver's seat."

There you go.
I finally found an online group of Young Adult public librarians. I joined their listserve,
appealed for their help in finding a masters program,
and today was flooded with suggestions of colleges based on attendance in the '70s.

I was hoping the overwhelming consensus would be that U of Hawaii was the only way to go. As it turns out,
midwestern schools are where its at.

Now I just have to calm down and not freak out about purposely going forward in life with a plan. It's kind of nerve-wracking. I'm not used to it, and I feel like a skittish pixie. Long-term planning freaks me out and makes me want to run in the opposite direction.

Let's see- the opposite direction of a YA public librarian would be … scamming old people out of their pensions?
<P><FONT color=#663366><EM><FONT size=5>Adventure:</FONT></EM> <BR></FONT><BR>Last night Jason and I went to the close-by movie theatre to see Blade III,
or Ocean's 12. By the logic of starting times, we narrowed our choices down to the first two, and then logically decided that we'd rather engorge ourselves on the first two Blades before ravaging the third. We came to this consensus outside (it was 5 degrees) because that was the only place the movies were listed. On the frontis of the building were the ticket booths. There were scarily dressed mannequins with newscaster wigs sitting to attend to us. We walked inside, and learned that we purchase the tickets (and by 'tickets' I mean 'receipts for popcorn') from the concessionaire. She radioed back to her co-worker to see if Alexander was going to be played. She warned us that the Alexander theatre was "one of the colder theatres". Jason and I had both worn hats and such, and decided to go. </P>
<P>Little did we know that the temperature of the room would hover at 45 degrees for the duration of the movie. </P>
<P>Factors that did not help:<BR>1. We were the only people in the theater and our body heat was sucked upwards to the cavernous ceiling.<BR>2. Alexander is 2 hours and 56 minutes long.<BR>3. We could not snog and grope each other because we were wearing too many layers of clothing and could not maneuver.</P>
<P>I looked like a ninja all wrapped up, and we were both sitting on our hands to keep them warm. I didn't even have the heart to eat my generic sour patch-type kids.</P>
<P><EM><FONT color=#663366 size=5>Abstract view:</FONT></EM></P>
<P><FONT color=#000000><STRONG>Theory or Possibly Fact: Duress makes some situations more tolerable.</STRONG><BR>Example One:<BR></FONT><FONT color=#000000>If Jason and I had to sit in a cold cold room for a half hour, we probably would have stayed 15 or 20 minutes before deciding to leave. Knowing that a three hour movie was our goal, we sat with a surprising amount of&nbsp;patience. </FONT></P>
<P>Example Two:<BR>Allison&nbsp;and I went kayaking, and after two days of self propulsion and mosquitoes, we&nbsp;had hardied up the ability to handle&nbsp;a higher level of duress. As the rain we paddled in turned into a storm, we calmly and without complaint hauled&nbsp;our awkward equipment&nbsp;in trips up a muddy path with nettles and a steep incline&nbsp;to wait, in the above-mentioned rain,&nbsp;for our ride.&nbsp;</P>
<P>Example Three:<BR>There&nbsp;were several times during AmeriCorps*NCCC that I found myself amazed at my ability to persevere. Firefighting, with smoke-filled lungs and bleeding hands; building a metal shed, with high winds and freezing temperatures; cutting back trail in WV, hiking for miles and miles and miles each day hacking at rhododendron and mountain laurel. I look back and can hardly believe I completed my tasks. </P>
<P>Perhaps this comes as a shock after having spent a large portion of my life thinking that I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to. I thought the punishment&nbsp;from failure would always hurt less than the daunting task. Thanks to the brain, which continually amazes me, I've learned that I can handle a lot more than I estimate.</P>
<P>This theory was brought to my attention again by watching a documentary on the Burning Man Festival. Those who plan for months and sacrifice to spend time in the hot, dry desert enjoy it much more than those who fly in.</P>
<P>There ought to be more short stories based on this theme. If anyone writes one and posts it as a comment (200 word minimum, you harpies) I'll knit them a pair of mittens.</P>
It's the moment (often with a tummy drop) when you realize that the friendly benifits routine you've had with your friend has reached the acme point. Often,
this point is lost on those in this situation, because they've already been deluding themselves about the situation. There are certain assesments you can take, keeping you in reality, that will show you the righteous path (to a sig oth, or the choice of friends or ignoring for at least six months – a year if you live in Iowa City).

Here's how it plays out:

1. Tummy drop. Oh no. You've just realized that they do do weird things in bed. Why didn't you notice it before? Other tummy-drops can come from realizing that they're using you for sex, sleeping space, heat, textbooks, Netflix (or cable), your car, or the worst – boredom.

2. Paradoxically, you're also realizing that you are having relationship feelings. Not love, silly. Jealousy. If you get upset because he mentioned a past sexencounter, that's your fault. That means you're past total deludinoid, take a left at real relationship, and park directly in front of "you're supposed to be cool, and getting upset over mentioning sex with anyone is verboten in the cool handbook" (unless it shows that they cheated on you).

3. On the upside, the negs may actually be your ally. As you get more relationshippy (read: snippy about actions, words, looks, exes) this is your best chance to take these cracks in the cake and pull them apart into pieces, then rearrange them into a cake has the word "Friendship" frosted on it. Dig? This is your chance to get out without a mess! You're starting to bicker, you two now have a past – it's time to own up to the relationship that has appeared, or get the fuck out.

4. I need some cake.
I got got got got no time. I'm starting to feel the pressure of two vacations in a row. When I leave my home on Wedesday,
I must take with me everything I'll need until January 2. That includes my passport and such. First I got to Iowa, then I go to Ireland.

Things I really ought to start thinking about:
Should I buy all the Harry Potters in English english?
How much underwear should I pack?
Should Evelyn come with me, or should I just take a boring suitcase?
Temperature – what is going to be the temperature?
Camera, film, lighting?
Naked pregnant friend. Check.

I'm listening to the Scissor Sisters album over and over again today. It's hard not to seat dance.
I love today. I get to drive for three hours (but travel, not commute) to the farm to spend time with my family and newly 22ed siblings (huppy huppy birthday to them). I have two small bags that contain everything I'll need for the next two weeks. I have a car full of gas, a CD player, and the Scissor Sisters album. I have good snacky food for the trip, not shitty snacky food from the Mobile station.

I'm feeling pretty god damned smug. Now I just have to dick around with gmail and all day until I get to leave.

Last night I held a simulcast birthday party at my apartment for Anton and Alena. Jason, Kat, and I ate stir fry, drank Chardonnay, and ate birthday cake. Kat decorated the cake with a scary birthday clown.
Fun was had by all.

I may hate the outermost ring of Christmas propaganda, but deep inside I can't help liking time off of work to see my family. I really can't complain about that.

And it's interesting, you know, because red and green are complimentary colors, and they're really only known as a symbol of Christmas. The other compliments (orange and blue, purple and yellow)don't get nearly as much attention. I think of the Chicago Bears and the DeWitt Sabers. Maybe we should designate the other sets for other holidays, or maybe Festivus should be known by festive purple and yellow sweaters, socks, wrapping paper, web themes, and cookies.

I've just realized that I have no knitting project for my time at home, and my time on international flights. Fuck. I hate this – now I'll just find a stupid project to do just to keep my hands busy. I should think of something real quick, and borrow needles from Mom. Um, um, yeah.

Quick lick

Work is fun and crazy like the day before Christmas in an elementary school.

I am a little too distracted by it all to really think of anything that I've been pondering. I'll have to do that tomorrow.
I have to get my Illinois drivers license,
and since I'm from out of state,
I have to take the written test. It's funny,
because I haven't studied for this type of thing since I was 13. I'm actually learning a lot. I know the rules, but there are a lot of suggestions on safe driving that I should keep in mind.

– If your gas pedal becomes stuck, hook your foot behind the pedal to free it. If it is still stuck, shift into neutral and brake gently to slow down. (I wouldn't have thought of shifting into neutral during that panicky moment.)

-If you are in a crash that involves a power line or power source, stay in your vehicle. If you must leave (say, because the car is on fire), jump away from the car with both feet. Do not touch the car and the ground at the same time.

-" … whistles and bells are allowed <em>only on authorized</em> emergency vehicles." Kids, this means that you cannot add fancy-schmancy bells and whistles like neon undercarriage lights or sunroofs. This is not true. The manual is referring to actual bells and whistles. It's just funny that the two words are also a phrase my dad uses.

– "No motor vehicle may have a television set that is visible from the driver's seat."

There you go.
I finally found an online group of Young Adult public librarians. I joined their listserve,
appealed for their help in finding a masters program,
and today was flooded with suggestions of colleges based on attendance in the '70s.

I was hoping the overwhelming consensus would be that U of Hawaii was the only way to go. As it turns out,
midwestern schools are where its at.

Now I just have to calm down and not freak out about purposely going forward in life with a plan. It's kind of nerve-wracking. I'm not used to it, and I feel like a skittish pixie. Long-term planning freaks me out and makes me want to run in the opposite direction.

Let's see- the opposite direction of a YA public librarian would be … scamming old people out of their pensions?
<P><FONT color=#663366><EM><FONT size=5>Adventure:</FONT></EM> <BR></FONT><BR>Last night Jason and I went to the close-by movie theatre to see Blade III,
or Ocean's 12. By the logic of starting times, we narrowed our choices down to the first two, and then logically decided that we'd rather engorge ourselves on the first two Blades before ravaging the third. We came to this consensus outside (it was 5 degrees) because that was the only place the movies were listed. On the frontis of the building were the ticket booths. There were scarily dressed mannequins with newscaster wigs sitting to attend to us. We walked inside, and learned that we purchase the tickets (and by 'tickets' I mean 'receipts for popcorn') from the concessionaire. She radioed back to her co-worker to see if Alexander was going to be played. She warned us that the Alexander theatre was "one of the colder theatres". Jason and I had both worn hats and such, and decided to go. </P>
<P>Little did we know that the temperature of the room would hover at 45 degrees for the duration of the movie. </P>
<P>Factors that did not help:<BR>1. We were the only people in the theater and our body heat was sucked upwards to the cavernous ceiling.<BR>2. Alexander is 2 hours and 56 minutes long.<BR>3. We could not snog and grope each other because we were wearing too many layers of clothing and could not maneuver.</P>
<P>I looked like a ninja all wrapped up, and we were both sitting on our hands to keep them warm. I didn't even have the heart to eat my generic sour patch-type kids.</P>
<P><EM><FONT color=#663366 size=5>Abstract view:</FONT></EM></P>
<P><FONT color=#000000><STRONG>Theory or Possibly Fact: Duress makes some situations more tolerable.</STRONG><BR>Example One:<BR></FONT><FONT color=#000000>If Jason and I had to sit in a cold cold room for a half hour, we probably would have stayed 15 or 20 minutes before deciding to leave. Knowing that a three hour movie was our goal, we sat with a surprising amount of&nbsp;patience. </FONT></P>
<P>Example Two:<BR>Allison&nbsp;and I went kayaking, and after two days of self propulsion and mosquitoes, we&nbsp;had hardied up the ability to handle&nbsp;a higher level of duress. As the rain we paddled in turned into a storm, we calmly and without complaint hauled&nbsp;our awkward equipment&nbsp;in trips up a muddy path with nettles and a steep incline&nbsp;to wait, in the above-mentioned rain,&nbsp;for our ride.&nbsp;</P>
<P>Example Three:<BR>There&nbsp;were several times during AmeriCorps*NCCC that I found myself amazed at my ability to persevere. Firefighting, with smoke-filled lungs and bleeding hands; building a metal shed, with high winds and freezing temperatures; cutting back trail in WV, hiking for miles and miles and miles each day hacking at rhododendron and mountain laurel. I look back and can hardly believe I completed my tasks. </P>
<P>Perhaps this comes as a shock after having spent a large portion of my life thinking that I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to. I thought the punishment&nbsp;from failure would always hurt less than the daunting task. Thanks to the brain, which continually amazes me, I've learned that I can handle a lot more than I estimate.</P>
<P>This theory was brought to my attention again by watching a documentary on the Burning Man Festival. Those who plan for months and sacrifice to spend time in the hot, dry desert enjoy it much more than those who fly in.</P>
<P>There ought to be more short stories based on this theme. If anyone writes one and posts it as a comment (200 word minimum, you harpies) I'll knit them a pair of mittens.</P>
It's the moment (often with a tummy drop) when you realize that the friendly benifits routine you've had with your friend has reached the acme point. Often,
this point is lost on those in this situation, because they've already been deluding themselves about the situation. There are certain assesments you can take, keeping you in reality, that will show you the righteous path (to a sig oth, or the choice of friends or ignoring for at least six months – a year if you live in Iowa City).

Here's how it plays out:

1. Tummy drop. Oh no. You've just realized that they do do weird things in bed. Why didn't you notice it before? Other tummy-drops can come from realizing that they're using you for sex, sleeping space, heat, textbooks, Netflix (or cable), your car, or the worst – boredom.

2. Paradoxically, you're also realizing that you are having relationship feelings. Not love, silly. Jealousy. If you get upset because he mentioned a past sexencounter, that's your fault. That means you're past total deludinoid, take a left at real relationship, and park directly in front of "you're supposed to be cool, and getting upset over mentioning sex with anyone is verboten in the cool handbook" (unless it shows that they cheated on you).

3. On the upside, the negs may actually be your ally. As you get more relationshippy (read: snippy about actions, words, looks, exes) this is your best chance to take these cracks in the cake and pull them apart into pieces, then rearrange them into a cake has the word "Friendship" frosted on it. Dig? This is your chance to get out without a mess! You're starting to bicker, you two now have a past – it's time to own up to the relationship that has appeared, or get the fuck out.

4. I need some cake.
I got got got got no time. I'm starting to feel the pressure of two vacations in a row. When I leave my home on Wedesday,
I must take with me everything I'll need until January 2. That includes my passport and such. First I got to Iowa, then I go to Ireland.

Things I really ought to start thinking about:
Should I buy all the Harry Potters in English english?
How much underwear should I pack?
Should Evelyn come with me, or should I just take a boring suitcase?
Temperature – what is going to be the temperature?
Camera, film, lighting?
Naked pregnant friend. Check.

I'm listening to the Scissor Sisters album over and over again today. It's hard not to seat dance.


Work is fun and crazy like the day before Christmas in an elementary school.

I am a little too distracted by it all to really think of anything that I've been pondering. I'll have to do that tomorrow.
I have to get my Illinois drivers license,
and since I'm from out of state,
I have to take the written test. It's funny,
because I haven't studied for this type of thing since I was 13. I'm actually learning a lot. I know the rules, but there are a lot of suggestions on safe driving that I should keep in mind.

– If your gas pedal becomes stuck, hook your foot behind the pedal to free it. If it is still stuck, shift into neutral and brake gently to slow down. (I wouldn't have thought of shifting into neutral during that panicky moment.)

-If you are in a crash that involves a power line or power source, stay in your vehicle. If you must leave (say, because the car is on fire), jump away from the car with both feet. Do not touch the car and the ground at the same time.

-" … whistles and bells are allowed <em>only on authorized</em> emergency vehicles." Kids, this means that you cannot add fancy-schmancy bells and whistles like neon undercarriage lights or sunroofs. This is not true. The manual is referring to actual bells and whistles. It's just funny that the two words are also a phrase my dad uses.

– "No motor vehicle may have a television set that is visible from the driver's seat."

There you go.
I finally found an online group of Young Adult public librarians. I joined their listserve,
appealed for their help in finding a masters program,
and today was flooded with suggestions of colleges based on attendance in the '70s.

I was hoping the overwhelming consensus would be that U of Hawaii was the only way to go. As it turns out,
midwestern schools are where its at.

Now I just have to calm down and not freak out about purposely going forward in life with a plan. It's kind of nerve-wracking. I'm not used to it, and I feel like a skittish pixie. Long-term planning freaks me out and makes me want to run in the opposite direction.

Let's see- the opposite direction of a YA public librarian would be … scamming old people out of their pensions?
<P><FONT color=#663366><EM><FONT size=5>Adventure:</FONT></EM> <BR></FONT><BR>Last night Jason and I went to the close-by movie theatre to see Blade III,
or Ocean's 12. By the logic of starting times, we narrowed our choices down to the first two, and then logically decided that we'd rather engorge ourselves on the first two Blades before ravaging the third. We came to this consensus outside (it was 5 degrees) because that was the only place the movies were listed. On the frontis of the building were the ticket booths. There were scarily dressed mannequins with newscaster wigs sitting to attend to us. We walked inside, and learned that we purchase the tickets (and by 'tickets' I mean 'receipts for popcorn') from the concessionaire. She radioed back to her co-worker to see if Alexander was going to be played. She warned us that the Alexander theatre was "one of the colder theatres". Jason and I had both worn hats and such, and decided to go. </P>
<P>Little did we know that the temperature of the room would hover at 45 degrees for the duration of the movie. </P>
<P>Factors that did not help:<BR>1. We were the only people in the theater and our body heat was sucked upwards to the cavernous ceiling.<BR>2. Alexander is 2 hours and 56 minutes long.<BR>3. We could not snog and grope each other because we were wearing too many layers of clothing and could not maneuver.</P>
<P>I looked like a ninja all wrapped up, and we were both sitting on our hands to keep them warm. I didn't even have the heart to eat my generic sour patch-type kids.</P>
<P><EM><FONT color=#663366 size=5>Abstract view:</FONT></EM></P>
<P><FONT color=#000000><STRONG>Theory or Possibly Fact: Duress makes some situations more tolerable.</STRONG><BR>Example One:<BR></FONT><FONT color=#000000>If Jason and I had to sit in a cold cold room for a half hour, we probably would have stayed 15 or 20 minutes before deciding to leave. Knowing that a three hour movie was our goal, we sat with a surprising amount of&nbsp;patience. </FONT></P>
<P>Example Two:<BR>Allison&nbsp;and I went kayaking, and after two days of self propulsion and mosquitoes, we&nbsp;had hardied up the ability to handle&nbsp;a higher level of duress. As the rain we paddled in turned into a storm, we calmly and without complaint hauled&nbsp;our awkward equipment&nbsp;in trips up a muddy path with nettles and a steep incline&nbsp;to wait, in the above-mentioned rain,&nbsp;for our ride.&nbsp;</P>
<P>Example Three:<BR>There&nbsp;were several times during AmeriCorps*NCCC that I found myself amazed at my ability to persevere. Firefighting, with smoke-filled lungs and bleeding hands; building a metal shed, with high winds and freezing temperatures; cutting back trail in WV, hiking for miles and miles and miles each day hacking at rhododendron and mountain laurel. I look back and can hardly believe I completed my tasks. </P>
<P>Perhaps this comes as a shock after having spent a large portion of my life thinking that I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to. I thought the punishment&nbsp;from failure would always hurt less than the daunting task. Thanks to the brain, which continually amazes me, I've learned that I can handle a lot more than I estimate.</P>
<P>This theory was brought to my attention again by watching a documentary on the Burning Man Festival. Those who plan for months and sacrifice to spend time in the hot, dry desert enjoy it much more than those who fly in.</P>
<P>There ought to be more short stories based on this theme. If anyone writes one and posts it as a comment (200 word minimum, you harpies) I'll knit them a pair of mittens.</P>
It's the moment (often with a tummy drop) when you realize that the friendly benifits routine you've had with your friend has reached the acme point. Often,
this point is lost on those in this situation, because they've already been deluding themselves about the situation. There are certain assesments you can take, keeping you in reality, that will show you the righteous path (to a sig oth, or the choice of friends or ignoring for at least six months – a year if you live in Iowa City).

Here's how it plays out:

1. Tummy drop. Oh no. You've just realized that they do do weird things in bed. Why didn't you notice it before? Other tummy-drops can come from realizing that they're using you for sex, sleeping space, heat, textbooks, Netflix (or cable), your car, or the worst – boredom.

2. Paradoxically, you're also realizing that you are having relationship feelings. Not love, silly. Jealousy. If you get upset because he mentioned a past sexencounter, that's your fault. That means you're past total deludinoid, take a left at real relationship, and park directly in front of "you're supposed to be cool, and getting upset over mentioning sex with anyone is verboten in the cool handbook" (unless it shows that they cheated on you).

3. On the upside, the negs may actually be your ally. As you get more relationshippy (read: snippy about actions, words, looks, exes) this is your best chance to take these cracks in the cake and pull them apart into pieces, then rearrange them into a cake has the word "Friendship" frosted on it. Dig? This is your chance to get out without a mess! You're starting to bicker, you two now have a past – it's time to own up to the relationship that has appeared, or get the fuck out.

4. I need some cake.

It's cold in Alexandria.

Work is fun and crazy like the day before Christmas in an elementary school.

I am a little too distracted by it all to really think of anything that I've been pondering. I'll have to do that tomorrow.
I have to get my Illinois drivers license,
and since I'm from out of state,
I have to take the written test. It's funny,
because I haven't studied for this type of thing since I was 13. I'm actually learning a lot. I know the rules, but there are a lot of suggestions on safe driving that I should keep in mind.

– If your gas pedal becomes stuck, hook your foot behind the pedal to free it. If it is still stuck, shift into neutral and brake gently to slow down. (I wouldn't have thought of shifting into neutral during that panicky moment.)

-If you are in a crash that involves a power line or power source, stay in your vehicle. If you must leave (say, because the car is on fire), jump away from the car with both feet. Do not touch the car and the ground at the same time.

-" … whistles and bells are allowed <em>only on authorized</em> emergency vehicles." Kids, this means that you cannot add fancy-schmancy bells and whistles like neon undercarriage lights or sunroofs. This is not true. The manual is referring to actual bells and whistles. It's just funny that the two words are also a phrase my dad uses.

– "No motor vehicle may have a television set that is visible from the driver's seat."

There you go.
I finally found an online group of Young Adult public librarians. I joined their listserve,
appealed for their help in finding a masters program,
and today was flooded with suggestions of colleges based on attendance in the '70s.

I was hoping the overwhelming consensus would be that U of Hawaii was the only way to go. As it turns out,
midwestern schools are where its at.

Now I just have to calm down and not freak out about purposely going forward in life with a plan. It's kind of nerve-wracking. I'm not used to it, and I feel like a skittish pixie. Long-term planning freaks me out and makes me want to run in the opposite direction.

Let's see- the opposite direction of a YA public librarian would be … scamming old people out of their pensions?
<P><FONT color=#663366><EM><FONT size=5>Adventure:</FONT></EM> <BR></FONT><BR>Last night Jason and I went to the close-by movie theatre to see Blade III,
or Ocean's 12. By the logic of starting times, we narrowed our choices down to the first two, and then logically decided that we'd rather engorge ourselves on the first two Blades before ravaging the third. We came to this consensus outside (it was 5 degrees) because that was the only place the movies were listed. On the frontis of the building were the ticket booths. There were scarily dressed mannequins with newscaster wigs sitting to attend to us. We walked inside, and learned that we purchase the tickets (and by 'tickets' I mean 'receipts for popcorn') from the concessionaire. She radioed back to her co-worker to see if Alexander was going to be played. She warned us that the Alexander theatre was "one of the colder theatres". Jason and I had both worn hats and such, and decided to go. </P>
<P>Little did we know that the temperature of the room would hover at 45 degrees for the duration of the movie. </P>
<P>Factors that did not help:<BR>1. We were the only people in the theater and our body heat was sucked upwards to the cavernous ceiling.<BR>2. Alexander is 2 hours and 56 minutes long.<BR>3. We could not snog and grope each other because we were wearing too many layers of clothing and could not maneuver.</P>
<P>I looked like a ninja all wrapped up, and we were both sitting on our hands to keep them warm. I didn't even have the heart to eat my generic sour patch-type kids.</P>
<P><EM><FONT color=#663366 size=5>Abstract view:</FONT></EM></P>
<P><FONT color=#000000><STRONG>Theory or Possibly Fact: Duress makes some situations more tolerable.</STRONG><BR>Example One:<BR></FONT><FONT color=#000000>If Jason and I had to sit in a cold cold room for a half hour, we probably would have stayed 15 or 20 minutes before deciding to leave. Knowing that a three hour movie was our goal, we sat with a surprising amount of&nbsp;patience. </FONT></P>
<P>Example Two:<BR>Allison&nbsp;and I went kayaking, and after two days of self propulsion and mosquitoes, we&nbsp;had hardied up the ability to handle&nbsp;a higher level of duress. As the rain we paddled in turned into a storm, we calmly and without complaint hauled&nbsp;our awkward equipment&nbsp;in trips up a muddy path with nettles and a steep incline&nbsp;to wait, in the above-mentioned rain,&nbsp;for our ride.&nbsp;</P>
<P>Example Three:<BR>There&nbsp;were several times during AmeriCorps*NCCC that I found myself amazed at my ability to persevere. Firefighting, with smoke-filled lungs and bleeding hands; building a metal shed, with high winds and freezing temperatures; cutting back trail in WV, hiking for miles and miles and miles each day hacking at rhododendron and mountain laurel. I look back and can hardly believe I completed my tasks. </P>
<P>Perhaps this comes as a shock after having spent a large portion of my life thinking that I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to. I thought the punishment&nbsp;from failure would always hurt less than the daunting task. Thanks to the brain, which continually amazes me, I've learned that I can handle a lot more than I estimate.</P>
<P>This theory was brought to my attention again by watching a documentary on the Burning Man Festival. Those who plan for months and sacrifice to spend time in the hot, dry desert enjoy it much more than those who fly in.</P>
<P>There ought to be more short stories based on this theme. If anyone writes one and posts it as a comment (200 word minimum, you harpies) I'll knit them a pair of mittens.</P>

Kent State, Wayne State, out of state tuition

Work is fun and crazy like the day before Christmas in an elementary school.

I am a little too distracted by it all to really think of anything that I've been pondering. I'll have to do that tomorrow.
I have to get my Illinois drivers license,
and since I'm from out of state,
I have to take the written test. It's funny,
because I haven't studied for this type of thing since I was 13. I'm actually learning a lot. I know the rules, but there are a lot of suggestions on safe driving that I should keep in mind.

– If your gas pedal becomes stuck, hook your foot behind the pedal to free it. If it is still stuck, shift into neutral and brake gently to slow down. (I wouldn't have thought of shifting into neutral during that panicky moment.)

-If you are in a crash that involves a power line or power source, stay in your vehicle. If you must leave (say, because the car is on fire), jump away from the car with both feet. Do not touch the car and the ground at the same time.

-" … whistles and bells are allowed <em>only on authorized</em> emergency vehicles." Kids, this means that you cannot add fancy-schmancy bells and whistles like neon undercarriage lights or sunroofs. This is not true. The manual is referring to actual bells and whistles. It's just funny that the two words are also a phrase my dad uses.

– "No motor vehicle may have a television set that is visible from the driver's seat."

There you go.
I finally found an online group of Young Adult public librarians. I joined their listserve,
appealed for their help in finding a masters program,
and today was flooded with suggestions of colleges based on attendance in the '70s.

I was hoping the overwhelming consensus would be that U of Hawaii was the only way to go. As it turns out,
midwestern schools are where its at.

Now I just have to calm down and not freak out about purposely going forward in life with a plan. It's kind of nerve-wracking. I'm not used to it, and I feel like a skittish pixie. Long-term planning freaks me out and makes me want to run in the opposite direction.

Let's see- the opposite direction of a YA public librarian would be … scamming old people out of their pensions?

Driving test? I hardly know her!

Work is fun and crazy like the day before Christmas in an elementary school.

I am a little too distracted by it all to really think of anything that I've been pondering. I'll have to do that tomorrow.
I have to get my Illinois drivers license,
and since I'm from out of state,
I have to take the written test. It's funny,
because I haven't studied for this type of thing since I was 13. I'm actually learning a lot. I know the rules, but there are a lot of suggestions on safe driving that I should keep in mind.

– If your gas pedal becomes stuck, hook your foot behind the pedal to free it. If it is still stuck, shift into neutral and brake gently to slow down. (I wouldn't have thought of shifting into neutral during that panicky moment.)

-If you are in a crash that involves a power line or power source, stay in your vehicle. If you must leave (say, because the car is on fire), jump away from the car with both feet. Do not touch the car and the ground at the same time.

-" … whistles and bells are allowed <em>only on authorized</em> emergency vehicles." Kids, this means that you cannot add fancy-schmancy bells and whistles like neon undercarriage lights or sunroofs. This is not true. The manual is referring to actual bells and whistles. It's just funny that the two words are also a phrase my dad uses.

– "No motor vehicle may have a television set that is visible from the driver's seat."

There you go.

Mooooving on a Sunday afternoon

I think that moving to Canada would be chuss. What we need to do is start a commune. One that uses its members as sweet oxygen to infuse the murky and more murky air we breathe. Not a non-washing, everybody-sleeps-together, only-eat-hummus commune. I'm talking about a hifi-wired, meat-in-the-freezer, Netflix-type of commune. The sharing happens on the intellectual level more than the need to share dietary requirements or dishes. Sharing showers will be permitted. Books will be lent and Scrabble will be played.

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From this hub, we can create a humming bubble of warmth. Homogeneous? No. Living with your own clones can lead to arguments, and I happen to know that living with a bunch of people you'd assume you had much in common with will test your tensile strength more than you think.

Bubble of warmth, check.
Tensile strength, check.

OK, ready to take on the rest of the country? Great. With good support, this hub can send the humming vibe out and warm the scared, half-frozen hearts of many. We'll begin to move toward a better understanding of our neighbors, our neighboring states, and our neighbouring countries.

<i>Right. I just lost the wind in my sails as I realized that what I really want is a commune of people to hold me like a bean bag chair, stroking my hair and telling me in a hushed tone that everything is fine, everything is fine.</i>
This past week was one of neutral to negative feelings. Sunday I learned that if you don't read/pay attention to/believe small-texted no parking signs,
you'll end up with a very expensive boot on your car. The only legitimate way to park in the Spin Cycle parking lot is to ONLY use the Spin Cycle facilities. If you go next door for a cinnoman roll,
you'll get the boot. It's a stupid rule, praying on those who have parked in other lots with similar signage and never was booted. It was essentially a $115 private parking ticket.

Luckily, mere hours after the event, I was given a mom-hug which righted all in the world.
I'm crushed. I'm lost. I'm teary in my cubicle and I hate everything right now.

The guy who was going to sublet my apartment didn't make it through the application process. That means that IT IS THE MIDDLE OF NOVEMBER AND I AM STUCK WITH THIS STUDIO IN CHICAGO AND STUCK WORKING IN WAUKEGAN, essentially.

I'm so frustrated. I've even considered just not paying rent,
letting it be a blight on my perfect credit history,
and leaving. I hate being tied down. I hate this, I hate this, I hate this.

I can't even think about it, or I'll cry.

<i>Addendum: I remembered that a representative from had called me after I posted my sublet ad in the Chicago Reader. He said that if I wanted to break my lease, they could help. At the time, I was confident that I would find a subletter and be done with the whole process within a week.

It being two months later, and needing some string of hope to hold on to, I called them today. They charge $300 or half a month's rent, and they have a 99.7% success rate at breaking leases. I'm not sure what they know that I don't, but at this point I just want the whole thing done with. Being out of the lease is even better than having a sublet. I have a meeting tomorrow morning, so I'll know more about the process. The did tell me that I'd be out before the 1st of December.</i>
This morning,
I had an appointment with the Illinois Tenants Union.

It didn't occur to me last night, but as I woke up this morning, I realized that the ITU could be a scam. They reside in a house up on Kimball and Montrose. They wanted me to bring $300 for their services. I might have ended up wearing a ball gag and dancing around to "Mama Mia" if wasn't careful. I consulted my associate.

Jason suggested googling "scam" with their name, and nothing came up. I decided that if I was going to try to get out of my lease legally, I might as well go and see what they had to say. In a true motion of love, Jason went with me (he has jury duty today, and didn't need to be downtown till noon).

As it turns out, pretty much any landlord is doing or not doing something that can lead to you legally breaking your lease. There are all sorts of sticky rules for a landlord to follow, and as a result, the ITU has been able to get people out of their leases in most cases.

Unfortunately, as I am built from cells of sunshine, I felt mildly uncomfortable talking about how we were essentially entering a battle with my landlord. It's so icky.

I do, however, wish to terminate my lease. The details are tedious, but it will be interesting to see what comes from all of this legal crap. The worse case scenario is a lawsuit. Hey, that could be fun.

Truly, this makes me want to curl up in a rural ball and garden for a living. That or go to grad school.
Anyway, today during my drive, I had an instant red-hot memory come out of nowhere and clock me one on the back of the head. A full, bright as day, vivid memory that left me feeling the emotion. I made a face, a kind of surprised grimace, and immediately felt ashamed. It's rare that I have these kinds of in-my-face memories. I must need to purge this one. I'm hoping that I can do so here.

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    I was in early elementary school, somewhere between 2-4th grade. My mother had given me $.15 or however much it cost to buy an extra carton of milk. Right before lunch, I went to retrieve my change for the bonus carton. I could only find the nickel. Dimes are small, but I looked everywhere. I checked everywhere in my backpack, and everywhere in my desk. I was upset, because an extra milk was a rare treat, as was using money at all. I was bitterly disappointed, and fought back tears as I walked (in line) all the way to the cafeteria.

    Somehow, during the lunch period, I got it into my little blonde head that Josh Puck must have taken my dime. I don't remember if I accused Josh of this, or if I told a teacher this, but I do remember the teacher (Mrs. Flagel, perhaps?) taking both Josh and myself outside the building and asking me again what was wrong. I told her that Josh had stolen my dime. She asked me why I thought that.

    I said,"Because he looks like he could have."

    Oh my God. What a thing to say. Here I'm stereotyping this poor classmate who lives with his grandmother, not unlike Neville Longbottom, as a thief. I don't remember Josh being that shifty as a child.

    The teacher was taken aback, and admonished me for my statement. Josh said he had a dime I could have (I really don't know if the dime was lost or stolen, it's besides the point) but the teacher waved him aside. She lectured me about making assumptions and such, and sent both of us on our way.

    I like to think that I was brought up in a household that was tolerant and free-thinking (except people who play Lotto – we have no patience for you) so I remain feeling stung about the incident. I made a bad decision in assuming Josh was responsible for my lost dime. I'd like to think that I wouldn't make the same kind of assumption now- or at least not without much more life experience telling me what's causal and what's stereotyping.

    <i>I need to come up with a term to refer to the time during my commute where I think thinky thoughts.

    Car thoughts
    Vehicular thoughticide

    I'll take suggestion in the comment field.</i>
    in my attempt to be productive (not professionally,
    but personally) at work yesterday,
    I didn't journal, and I didn't perform my usual ritual of checking Al and Jakes' journals.

    I did, however, learn about business grammar. Finally got that who/whom thing down. Whew. I also scrutinized Library Science graduate programs. Who's number one? U of Ill. Who would give me in-state tuition? U of Ill. Who is in Champaign, which makes Jason's face twist up like eating a tiny sour orange? U of Ill.

    If only U of Ill's stellar program was somewhere like Portland or Denver. I suppose one cannot base one's academic path on the site of the college. Quality, not location.

    In any case, I plan on spending the 8 hours I am here at work trying not to play Yahoo Games, but instead reading Jane Eyre. I'm not lying.
    I don't even like the idea of a 401(k). It's buying into the system I am at best wary of,
    and at worst loathful of. I'd rather own some land, but this seems to be the option I have at present to help ward off working at a McDonalds when I'm 87.

    Unfortunately, I have turned a blind eye to any financial information I might have been introduced to. Therefore, I have no idea about any of this, and the jargon is enough to frighten me into huddling on the couch eating marshmallows.

    I do have a legitimate reason for investing in my retirement. My great-grandmothers tend to live a long time. My g.grandma Wilslef was (and I'm rounding up by hours) 108 when she finally shuffled off. Her daughter, my grandma Green, is 87 and kicking it better than most 60 year olds. The chances of me living to see my skin turn papery are quite great. This is why I brush and floss. This is why I'm going to try my darndest to figure out the 401(k) business.

    I'm hoping, by vocalizing like this, to find a financial advisor amongst my friends. Dealings with money are often stigmatized- it's somehow embarrassing to talk about. Dealings with money that may or may not be lost is a legitimate cause for concern. I wouldn't want to be responsible for someone's investment decisions. I can understand that. I do want to be informed, however.
    I'm starting to listen to myself better. I can hear the patterns of what I'm thinking and saying. I am being rather introspective.

    This is not easy; oh no. To really observe one's own thoughts without analyzing takes a seriousness I usually do not employ. On a short-term,
    localized basis I have alienated myself just a little. Just enough to provide adequate focus to my inner reboot. In fact, I wasn't aware how methodical and purposeful I was being. I thought I was just in a small depression- about the size of a thumbprint in playdough.

    As it turns out, I am becoming a little more purposeful in my thoughts and actions. This comes as a relief to me, having been classified as having a high turnover rate of decisions and paths. I've analyzed the data, and this is what I've decided about myself:

    – I will always want change in my life, both in rate and intensity. Having settled on this, instead of seeing it as a character flaw or something I'd grow out of, I find myself being more deliberate with the 'next' actions I take. I seem to be constantly trying to find what I'm going to do next, for if I am not habitually changing something, I am preparing for it. "Next!" If I can become more thoughtful and deliberate in this pre-flight stage, I may end up making better decisions for myself. In fact, I might find myself on a path I don't want to change from.

    – I do wish for some rigidity in my life. Had I a child or a condo, I would be forced to make sensible decisions. I have certainly not exhausted myself, and I think I might never get tired of perpetual change. Hence, the attempt to be deliberate.

    – I am a farm girl. I am also an adventurer. I'm not sure how I'll balance these tugs, but I hope to fashion a device out of duct tape and plastic bags that will suit me for both desires.

    Right. Suddenly, I have actual work to do. How odd. Well, the Abbott and Peer Group Financial Comparisons aren't going to proof themselves!
    I cannot blame myself for my current thoughts on relationships. I've been listening on CD to Brigid Jones' Diary: Edge of Reason,
    since the movie is supposed to be crap and I want to remember it for what it ought to be. I have forgotten that chicklit makes me feel all wonky,
    and Britlit makes me want to talk like an Anglophile.

    Allison Lyman, you are in a tar paper shack of a relationship. Later, after you've tired of it and are finally done (shack burnt to ground) you'll think back and see how much you neglected. I need those livejournal entries to keep me sane. It's your fault I'm not.

    I dare say it's difficult to be selfishly honest with someone, when you know what they really want right now is pure (positive) support. There is no balance I have found for the knowledge that friend's relationship will end badly, and that you'll shoulder up support then too. Ah well, I can't complain. I've committed the same crimes.

    I'm still going to see the god damned movie, even if it sucks. I'll just wait till it's on video.
    If I eat a grilled cheese sandwich and drink a root beer,
    my belches taste like burned marshmellows!
    Holiday themed clothing is rarely a good idea. A blinking shirt is novel,
    at best. I feel my plains-born self shudder every time I see a turtleneck with turkeys on it.

    "Teacher sweaters" are even worse, because they aren't just for the holidays. In fact,
    the only thing worse than teacher sweaters is Bill Cosby sweaters. You know, the patterns that numb your brain just a little.

    I swear, when I'm a little old lady librarian, I will only wear cardigans. I think that's the dress code anyway.

    Reflecting for a moment, I do remember owning a turtleneck shirt with Monopoly items scattered on it.

    I take back my inflammatory comments about festive tops. It's a cry for creativity, and I am not going to fault anyone for attempting creativity.
    Hooptie. I managed to give myself the flu Monday, and stayed home from work. I think some call that "hypochondria" but I think it's legit. I spent the morning crying, then researched what it's going to take to get my car registered in Illinois, as well as getting a drivers license. The goddamn shit of it is that I splurged on the Iowa license that I got in '02 that's still good till '08!

    The big moment of my day was taking photographs of my now-empty apartment, shoving my bike in my car, and bravely asking the apartment manager for a receipt for returning my keys. If you're not in the know, I've utilized the Illinois Tenants Union (ITU) to break my lease. According to them, my landlord is charging illegal fees to relet, and therefore I can have my lease broken. I've followed the ITU rules, and now they'll serve some nice papers to the landlord and hope that I'll magically be sprung from my apartment. I'm just a little nervous that this will actually work, and I won't be stuck with a Logan Square studio and a pissed off landlord. I mean, they're only an advising group. They do have a jingle, though.

    I've finally figured out that if I stop using conditioner, I'll stop losing so much hair. Our hairtrap in the shower is absolutely disgusting. I mean, there are three people shedding hair and skin and semen into the shower every day. Now you understand.
    I didn't realize how much better I'd feel once I made some decisions around here. I've decided to stay at Abbott,
    move up to Waukegan, and work on grad school applications. Whew. Now all I need is a bed and a death-defying entrance essay, and I'll be set for the winter.

    I should start compiling a list of books to read during the cold dark nights. Life of Pi is up there, so's Staggering Work of Blah de Blah. I have a copy of Tropic of Cancer under my arm (cancer under my arm!) but I just haven't gotten into it yet.

    I've found that the best commute book-on-tape author is Kurt Vonnegut Jr. I don't feel stupid, and I don't have to pay attention like it's a Grisham novel.

    I'm too hepped up on sugar to write anything abstractly poignant. Let the line about armpit cancer be your shining moment while reading this.

    For some reason I keep thinking of Dan Potthast tunes and use the word "fruit snacks" to fill in the lyrics.
    It may not be infinately interesting,
    but I do like saying that I'm writing a piece for work on non-fusion spinal implant technology.

    My extra thoughts (non-work based) are all focused on how I'm going to find a bed,
    and how I'm going to get it from wherever it currently resides to my new apartment. Craigslist is snappy, but I'd have to haul it from Chicago up to Waukegan. There are thrift stores in Waukegan, but then I run a risk of getting a urine soaked scabies-fest of a bed. I guess I assume Craigslist is somewhat classier. Probably more cum stains.

    I seem to be dressing in "cute little old lady" fashion. I think it's the skirt I'm wearing, and I think I like it.

    I am somehow more disappointed in our most recent election now that I've learned that the Ukranian people managed to perform the mob function that we well-fed Americans could not. I suppose one factor is that they are probably more comfortable with their candidate that we were with Kerry.

    I'm already worried about 2008. Isn't that hilarious?
    <b>Topic: New home and accessories</b>
    I take incredible pleasure in decking out a new apartment in all the functional accoutrement. Some things are standard,
    like buying a clear shower curtain. (I love having a clear shower curtain- it's an incredible feeling to not have the rest of the room blocked off during a shower.) Another standard is my standard grocery list (assuming I have staples like rice and flour):

    <i>Tortillas, shredded cheese, milk, eggs, unsalted butter, a red pepper, a bag of frozen chicken breasts, insta-couscous, spiral Mac&Cheese, bowtie pasta, a can of diced tomatoes, canned mushrooms, orange juice, a garlic clove, quick oats, raisins, and a bag of chocolate chips. These items are the basis for a bevy of meals.</i>

    Other things are more difficult, like finding the perfect pair of salt and pepper shakers from a thrift store. The last ones I found looked (abstractly) like art nouveau buildings. They are now in the capable hands of one Allison Darling Lyman. I believe they look down upon the world from atop Al's stove, perched next to a sign that reads "Above all else- here, we serve the Lord". (That's a paraphrase, but it's still funny.)

    I also take much glee in filling my 6-gun wine rack. Standards are Three Buck Chuck, any old cabernet sauvignon, and my new favorite, Long Neck chardonnay. It's cheap like Yellow Tail, and with a flavor some might cringe at but I love.

    Enough nesting. Let's get down to the hard facts, the wire, the knitty gritty, the…

    <b>Topic: Knitting.</b>
    Yes. I can't help but think about it at least 10% of the time. It's like mental craft tithing. I'm making these amazing green fingerless gloves, and I have no mittens, but I can't imagine keeping them. Same with practically everything else I make. I'd rather give it away and make someone happy, because I know I can make more. Last year, this mode of thinking left me borrowing my roommate's hats and mittens because I kept giving my homemade ones away. Maybe I should make some that have big S's on them, so it will maybe discourage me from offering them to inapropriately named people. I think non-applicable monogrammed stuff is in right now, so maybe that won't work.

    <b>Topic: Interslice and my winter.</b>
    I heard an NPR story about an artist who's wary of computer technology. He feels that computers allow instant creation, and the connection between the brain and the hand is lost. (Yes, I know you use your hand to use a computer, but there is a huge difference between a mouse and a piece of charcoal.) I never minded not having a TV when I had a high-speed cable connection, which I thought was pious. This NPR story has me thinking that a winter without TV <i><b>or</b></i> the internet do well for me. When's the last time I wrote a letter? I've been meaning to read more– I don't mean "reading more than zero", but getting back the voracious appetite I used to have for books. Granted, I was in school and had luxurious time to read on the way to school, behind Aaron Horman's mannishly large (even in elementary school) frame, on the bus home from school, all evening, all weekends, and all summer. When I think back on my childhood, I spent a majority of the time reading, playing with cats, or making stuff out of wood and corn dust.

    <b>Topic: Web pages</b>
    An exciting part of me being wooed to stay at Abbott was the promise that I could be the HTML editor for one of the internal publications. I've been teaching myself HTML, but I haven't applied any of my knowledge. I've decided that if I'm going to learn more than the basics, I should make myself a Web site. (I should mention that I sleep with someone from IT. No, no, not Abbott's IT department- I meant IT in general.)

    So, I am still deciding on what domain name to use. I'm favoring, but I bet there's another witty, useful, memorable Web address somewhere in your brain. Make a comment and give me a suggestion!
    I'm 25 years old and I've moved to the suburbs. Doesn't this make me successful in some circles? I mean,
    I didn't grow up there,
    so I've effectively migrated.

    HA. Take THAT, all you kids I know from Crystal Lake.

    I think I will have to maybe have a little soiree to celebrate. I'm thinking January, I'm thinking "Everybody has to bring me a plant". Yes.

  • Shopping for curtains

    I think that moving to Canada would be chuss. What we need to do is start a commune. One that uses its members as sweet oxygen to infuse the murky and more murky air we breathe. Not a non-washing, everybody-sleeps-together, only-eat-hummus commune. I'm talking about a hifi-wired, meat-in-the-freezer, Netflix-type of commune. The sharing happens on the intellectual level more than the need to share dietary requirements or dishes. Sharing showers will be permitted. Books will be lent and Scrabble will be played.

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    From this hub, we can create a humming bubble of warmth. Homogeneous? No. Living with your own clones can lead to arguments, and I happen to know that living with a bunch of people you'd assume you had much in common with will test your tensile strength more than you think.

    Bubble of warmth, check.
    Tensile strength, check.

    OK, ready to take on the rest of the country? Great. With good support, this hub can send the humming vibe out and warm the scared, half-frozen hearts of many. We'll begin to move toward a better understanding of our neighbors, our neighboring states, and our neighbouring countries.

    <i>Right. I just lost the wind in my sails as I realized that what I really want is a commune of people to hold me like a bean bag chair, stroking my hair and telling me in a hushed tone that everything is fine, everything is fine.</i>
    This past week was one of neutral to negative feelings. Sunday I learned that if you don't read/pay attention to/believe small-texted no parking signs,
    you'll end up with a very expensive boot on your car. The only legitimate way to park in the Spin Cycle parking lot is to ONLY use the Spin Cycle facilities. If you go next door for a cinnoman roll,
    you'll get the boot. It's a stupid rule, praying on those who have parked in other lots with similar signage and never was booted. It was essentially a $115 private parking ticket.

    Luckily, mere hours after the event, I was given a mom-hug which righted all in the world.
    I'm crushed. I'm lost. I'm teary in my cubicle and I hate everything right now.

    The guy who was going to sublet my apartment didn't make it through the application process. That means that IT IS THE MIDDLE OF NOVEMBER AND I AM STUCK WITH THIS STUDIO IN CHICAGO AND STUCK WORKING IN WAUKEGAN, essentially.

    I'm so frustrated. I've even considered just not paying rent,
    letting it be a blight on my perfect credit history,
    and leaving. I hate being tied down. I hate this, I hate this, I hate this.

    I can't even think about it, or I'll cry.

    <i>Addendum: I remembered that a representative from had called me after I posted my sublet ad in the Chicago Reader. He said that if I wanted to break my lease, they could help. At the time, I was confident that I would find a subletter and be done with the whole process within a week.

    It being two months later, and needing some string of hope to hold on to, I called them today. They charge $300 or half a month's rent, and they have a 99.7% success rate at breaking leases. I'm not sure what they know that I don't, but at this point I just want the whole thing done with. Being out of the lease is even better than having a sublet. I have a meeting tomorrow morning, so I'll know more about the process. The did tell me that I'd be out before the 1st of December.</i>
    This morning,
    I had an appointment with the Illinois Tenants Union.

    It didn't occur to me last night, but as I woke up this morning, I realized that the ITU could be a scam. They reside in a house up on Kimball and Montrose. They wanted me to bring $300 for their services. I might have ended up wearing a ball gag and dancing around to "Mama Mia" if wasn't careful. I consulted my associate.

    Jason suggested googling "scam" with their name, and nothing came up. I decided that if I was going to try to get out of my lease legally, I might as well go and see what they had to say. In a true motion of love, Jason went with me (he has jury duty today, and didn't need to be downtown till noon).

    As it turns out, pretty much any landlord is doing or not doing something that can lead to you legally breaking your lease. There are all sorts of sticky rules for a landlord to follow, and as a result, the ITU has been able to get people out of their leases in most cases.

    Unfortunately, as I am built from cells of sunshine, I felt mildly uncomfortable talking about how we were essentially entering a battle with my landlord. It's so icky.

    I do, however, wish to terminate my lease. The details are tedious, but it will be interesting to see what comes from all of this legal crap. The worse case scenario is a lawsuit. Hey, that could be fun.

    Truly, this makes me want to curl up in a rural ball and garden for a living. That or go to grad school.
    Anyway, today during my drive, I had an instant red-hot memory come out of nowhere and clock me one on the back of the head. A full, bright as day, vivid memory that left me feeling the emotion. I made a face, a kind of surprised grimace, and immediately felt ashamed. It's rare that I have these kinds of in-my-face memories. I must need to purge this one. I'm hoping that I can do so here.

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    I was in early elementary school, somewhere between 2-4th grade. My mother had given me $.15 or however much it cost to buy an extra carton of milk. Right before lunch, I went to retrieve my change for the bonus carton. I could only find the nickel. Dimes are small, but I looked everywhere. I checked everywhere in my backpack, and everywhere in my desk. I was upset, because an extra milk was a rare treat, as was using money at all. I was bitterly disappointed, and fought back tears as I walked (in line) all the way to the cafeteria.

    Somehow, during the lunch period, I got it into my little blonde head that Josh Puck must have taken my dime. I don't remember if I accused Josh of this, or if I told a teacher this, but I do remember the teacher (Mrs. Flagel, perhaps?) taking both Josh and myself outside the building and asking me again what was wrong. I told her that Josh had stolen my dime. She asked me why I thought that.

    I said,"Because he looks like he could have."

    Oh my God. What a thing to say. Here I'm stereotyping this poor classmate who lives with his grandmother, not unlike Neville Longbottom, as a thief. I don't remember Josh being that shifty as a child.

    The teacher was taken aback, and admonished me for my statement. Josh said he had a dime I could have (I really don't know if the dime was lost or stolen, it's besides the point) but the teacher waved him aside. She lectured me about making assumptions and such, and sent both of us on our way.

    I like to think that I was brought up in a household that was tolerant and free-thinking (except people who play Lotto – we have no patience for you) so I remain feeling stung about the incident. I made a bad decision in assuming Josh was responsible for my lost dime. I'd like to think that I wouldn't make the same kind of assumption now- or at least not without much more life experience telling me what's causal and what's stereotyping.

    <i>I need to come up with a term to refer to the time during my commute where I think thinky thoughts.

    Car thoughts
    Vehicular thoughticide

    I'll take suggestion in the comment field.</i>
    in my attempt to be productive (not professionally,
    but personally) at work yesterday,
    I didn't journal, and I didn't perform my usual ritual of checking Al and Jakes' journals.

    I did, however, learn about business grammar. Finally got that who/whom thing down. Whew. I also scrutinized Library Science graduate programs. Who's number one? U of Ill. Who would give me in-state tuition? U of Ill. Who is in Champaign, which makes Jason's face twist up like eating a tiny sour orange? U of Ill.

    If only U of Ill's stellar program was somewhere like Portland or Denver. I suppose one cannot base one's academic path on the site of the college. Quality, not location.

    In any case, I plan on spending the 8 hours I am here at work trying not to play Yahoo Games, but instead reading Jane Eyre. I'm not lying.
    I don't even like the idea of a 401(k). It's buying into the system I am at best wary of,
    and at worst loathful of. I'd rather own some land, but this seems to be the option I have at present to help ward off working at a McDonalds when I'm 87.

    Unfortunately, I have turned a blind eye to any financial information I might have been introduced to. Therefore, I have no idea about any of this, and the jargon is enough to frighten me into huddling on the couch eating marshmallows.

    I do have a legitimate reason for investing in my retirement. My great-grandmothers tend to live a long time. My g.grandma Wilslef was (and I'm rounding up by hours) 108 when she finally shuffled off. Her daughter, my grandma Green, is 87 and kicking it better than most 60 year olds. The chances of me living to see my skin turn papery are quite great. This is why I brush and floss. This is why I'm going to try my darndest to figure out the 401(k) business.

    I'm hoping, by vocalizing like this, to find a financial advisor amongst my friends. Dealings with money are often stigmatized- it's somehow embarrassing to talk about. Dealings with money that may or may not be lost is a legitimate cause for concern. I wouldn't want to be responsible for someone's investment decisions. I can understand that. I do want to be informed, however.
    I'm starting to listen to myself better. I can hear the patterns of what I'm thinking and saying. I am being rather introspective.

    This is not easy; oh no. To really observe one's own thoughts without analyzing takes a seriousness I usually do not employ. On a short-term,
    localized basis I have alienated myself just a little. Just enough to provide adequate focus to my inner reboot. In fact, I wasn't aware how methodical and purposeful I was being. I thought I was just in a small depression- about the size of a thumbprint in playdough.

    As it turns out, I am becoming a little more purposeful in my thoughts and actions. This comes as a relief to me, having been classified as having a high turnover rate of decisions and paths. I've analyzed the data, and this is what I've decided about myself:

    – I will always want change in my life, both in rate and intensity. Having settled on this, instead of seeing it as a character flaw or something I'd grow out of, I find myself being more deliberate with the 'next' actions I take. I seem to be constantly trying to find what I'm going to do next, for if I am not habitually changing something, I am preparing for it. "Next!" If I can become more thoughtful and deliberate in this pre-flight stage, I may end up making better decisions for myself. In fact, I might find myself on a path I don't want to change from.

    – I do wish for some rigidity in my life. Had I a child or a condo, I would be forced to make sensible decisions. I have certainly not exhausted myself, and I think I might never get tired of perpetual change. Hence, the attempt to be deliberate.

    – I am a farm girl. I am also an adventurer. I'm not sure how I'll balance these tugs, but I hope to fashion a device out of duct tape and plastic bags that will suit me for both desires.

    Right. Suddenly, I have actual work to do. How odd. Well, the Abbott and Peer Group Financial Comparisons aren't going to proof themselves!
    I cannot blame myself for my current thoughts on relationships. I've been listening on CD to Brigid Jones' Diary: Edge of Reason,
    since the movie is supposed to be crap and I want to remember it for what it ought to be. I have forgotten that chicklit makes me feel all wonky,
    and Britlit makes me want to talk like an Anglophile.

    Allison Lyman, you are in a tar paper shack of a relationship. Later, after you've tired of it and are finally done (shack burnt to ground) you'll think back and see how much you neglected. I need those livejournal entries to keep me sane. It's your fault I'm not.

    I dare say it's difficult to be selfishly honest with someone, when you know what they really want right now is pure (positive) support. There is no balance I have found for the knowledge that friend's relationship will end badly, and that you'll shoulder up support then too. Ah well, I can't complain. I've committed the same crimes.

    I'm still going to see the god damned movie, even if it sucks. I'll just wait till it's on video.
    If I eat a grilled cheese sandwich and drink a root beer,
    my belches taste like burned marshmellows!
    Holiday themed clothing is rarely a good idea. A blinking shirt is novel,
    at best. I feel my plains-born self shudder every time I see a turtleneck with turkeys on it.

    "Teacher sweaters" are even worse, because they aren't just for the holidays. In fact,
    the only thing worse than teacher sweaters is Bill Cosby sweaters. You know, the patterns that numb your brain just a little.

    I swear, when I'm a little old lady librarian, I will only wear cardigans. I think that's the dress code anyway.

    Reflecting for a moment, I do remember owning a turtleneck shirt with Monopoly items scattered on it.

    I take back my inflammatory comments about festive tops. It's a cry for creativity, and I am not going to fault anyone for attempting creativity.
    Hooptie. I managed to give myself the flu Monday, and stayed home from work. I think some call that "hypochondria" but I think it's legit. I spent the morning crying, then researched what it's going to take to get my car registered in Illinois, as well as getting a drivers license. The goddamn shit of it is that I splurged on the Iowa license that I got in '02 that's still good till '08!

    The big moment of my day was taking photographs of my now-empty apartment, shoving my bike in my car, and bravely asking the apartment manager for a receipt for returning my keys. If you're not in the know, I've utilized the Illinois Tenants Union (ITU) to break my lease. According to them, my landlord is charging illegal fees to relet, and therefore I can have my lease broken. I've followed the ITU rules, and now they'll serve some nice papers to the landlord and hope that I'll magically be sprung from my apartment. I'm just a little nervous that this will actually work, and I won't be stuck with a Logan Square studio and a pissed off landlord. I mean, they're only an advising group. They do have a jingle, though.

    I've finally figured out that if I stop using conditioner, I'll stop losing so much hair. Our hairtrap in the shower is absolutely disgusting. I mean, there are three people shedding hair and skin and semen into the shower every day. Now you understand.
    I didn't realize how much better I'd feel once I made some decisions around here. I've decided to stay at Abbott,
    move up to Waukegan, and work on grad school applications. Whew. Now all I need is a bed and a death-defying entrance essay, and I'll be set for the winter.

    I should start compiling a list of books to read during the cold dark nights. Life of Pi is up there, so's Staggering Work of Blah de Blah. I have a copy of Tropic of Cancer under my arm (cancer under my arm!) but I just haven't gotten into it yet.

    I've found that the best commute book-on-tape author is Kurt Vonnegut Jr. I don't feel stupid, and I don't have to pay attention like it's a Grisham novel.

    I'm too hepped up on sugar to write anything abstractly poignant. Let the line about armpit cancer be your shining moment while reading this.

    For some reason I keep thinking of Dan Potthast tunes and use the word "fruit snacks" to fill in the lyrics.
    It may not be infinately interesting,
    but I do like saying that I'm writing a piece for work on non-fusion spinal implant technology.

    My extra thoughts (non-work based) are all focused on how I'm going to find a bed,
    and how I'm going to get it from wherever it currently resides to my new apartment. Craigslist is snappy, but I'd have to haul it from Chicago up to Waukegan. There are thrift stores in Waukegan, but then I run a risk of getting a urine soaked scabies-fest of a bed. I guess I assume Craigslist is somewhat classier. Probably more cum stains.

    I seem to be dressing in "cute little old lady" fashion. I think it's the skirt I'm wearing, and I think I like it.

    I am somehow more disappointed in our most recent election now that I've learned that the Ukranian people managed to perform the mob function that we well-fed Americans could not. I suppose one factor is that they are probably more comfortable with their candidate that we were with Kerry.

    I'm already worried about 2008. Isn't that hilarious?
    <b>Topic: New home and accessories</b>
    I take incredible pleasure in decking out a new apartment in all the functional accoutrement. Some things are standard,
    like buying a clear shower curtain. (I love having a clear shower curtain- it's an incredible feeling to not have the rest of the room blocked off during a shower.) Another standard is my standard grocery list (assuming I have staples like rice and flour):

    <i>Tortillas, shredded cheese, milk, eggs, unsalted butter, a red pepper, a bag of frozen chicken breasts, insta-couscous, spiral Mac&Cheese, bowtie pasta, a can of diced tomatoes, canned mushrooms, orange juice, a garlic clove, quick oats, raisins, and a bag of chocolate chips. These items are the basis for a bevy of meals.</i>

    Other things are more difficult, like finding the perfect pair of salt and pepper shakers from a thrift store. The last ones I found looked (abstractly) like art nouveau buildings. They are now in the capable hands of one Allison Darling Lyman. I believe they look down upon the world from atop Al's stove, perched next to a sign that reads "Above all else- here, we serve the Lord". (That's a paraphrase, but it's still funny.)

    I also take much glee in filling my 6-gun wine rack. Standards are Three Buck Chuck, any old cabernet sauvignon, and my new favorite, Long Neck chardonnay. It's cheap like Yellow Tail, and with a flavor some might cringe at but I love.

    Enough nesting. Let's get down to the hard facts, the wire, the knitty gritty, the…

    <b>Topic: Knitting.</b>
    Yes. I can't help but think about it at least 10% of the time. It's like mental craft tithing. I'm making these amazing green fingerless gloves, and I have no mittens, but I can't imagine keeping them. Same with practically everything else I make. I'd rather give it away and make someone happy, because I know I can make more. Last year, this mode of thinking left me borrowing my roommate's hats and mittens because I kept giving my homemade ones away. Maybe I should make some that have big S's on them, so it will maybe discourage me from offering them to inapropriately named people. I think non-applicable monogrammed stuff is in right now, so maybe that won't work.

    <b>Topic: Interslice and my winter.</b>
    I heard an NPR story about an artist who's wary of computer technology. He feels that computers allow instant creation, and the connection between the brain and the hand is lost. (Yes, I know you use your hand to use a computer, but there is a huge difference between a mouse and a piece of charcoal.) I never minded not having a TV when I had a high-speed cable connection, which I thought was pious. This NPR story has me thinking that a winter without TV <i><b>or</b></i> the internet do well for me. When's the last time I wrote a letter? I've been meaning to read more– I don't mean "reading more than zero", but getting back the voracious appetite I used to have for books. Granted, I was in school and had luxurious time to read on the way to school, behind Aaron Horman's mannishly large (even in elementary school) frame, on the bus home from school, all evening, all weekends, and all summer. When I think back on my childhood, I spent a majority of the time reading, playing with cats, or making stuff out of wood and corn dust.

    <b>Topic: Web pages</b>
    An exciting part of me being wooed to stay at Abbott was the promise that I could be the HTML editor for one of the internal publications. I've been teaching myself HTML, but I haven't applied any of my knowledge. I've decided that if I'm going to learn more than the basics, I should make myself a Web site. (I should mention that I sleep with someone from IT. No, no, not Abbott's IT department- I meant IT in general.)

    So, I am still deciding on what domain name to use. I'm favoring, but I bet there's another witty, useful, memorable Web address somewhere in your brain. Make a comment and give me a suggestion!

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    I think that moving to Canada would be chuss. What we need to do is start a commune. One that uses its members as sweet oxygen to infuse the murky and more murky air we breathe. Not a non-washing, everybody-sleeps-together, only-eat-hummus commune. I'm talking about a hifi-wired, meat-in-the-freezer, Netflix-type of commune. The sharing happens on the intellectual level more than the need to share dietary requirements or dishes. Sharing showers will be permitted. Books will be lent and Scrabble will be played.

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    From this hub, we can create a humming bubble of warmth. Homogeneous? No. Living with your own clones can lead to arguments, and I happen to know that living with a bunch of people you'd assume you had much in common with will test your tensile strength more than you think.

    Bubble of warmth, check.
    Tensile strength, check.

    OK, ready to take on the rest of the country? Great. With good support, this hub can send the humming vibe out and warm the scared, half-frozen hearts of many. We'll begin to move toward a better understanding of our neighbors, our neighboring states, and our neighbouring countries.

    <i>Right. I just lost the wind in my sails as I realized that what I really want is a commune of people to hold me like a bean bag chair, stroking my hair and telling me in a hushed tone that everything is fine, everything is fine.</i>
    This past week was one of neutral to negative feelings. Sunday I learned that if you don't read/pay attention to/believe small-texted no parking signs,
    you'll end up with a very expensive boot on your car. The only legitimate way to park in the Spin Cycle parking lot is to ONLY use the Spin Cycle facilities. If you go next door for a cinnoman roll,
    you'll get the boot. It's a stupid rule, praying on those who have parked in other lots with similar signage and never was booted. It was essentially a $115 private parking ticket.

    Luckily, mere hours after the event, I was given a mom-hug which righted all in the world.
    I'm crushed. I'm lost. I'm teary in my cubicle and I hate everything right now.

    The guy who was going to sublet my apartment didn't make it through the application process. That means that IT IS THE MIDDLE OF NOVEMBER AND I AM STUCK WITH THIS STUDIO IN CHICAGO AND STUCK WORKING IN WAUKEGAN, essentially.

    I'm so frustrated. I've even considered just not paying rent,
    letting it be a blight on my perfect credit history,
    and leaving. I hate being tied down. I hate this, I hate this, I hate this.

    I can't even think about it, or I'll cry.

    <i>Addendum: I remembered that a representative from had called me after I posted my sublet ad in the Chicago Reader. He said that if I wanted to break my lease, they could help. At the time, I was confident that I would find a subletter and be done with the whole process within a week.

    It being two months later, and needing some string of hope to hold on to, I called them today. They charge $300 or half a month's rent, and they have a 99.7% success rate at breaking leases. I'm not sure what they know that I don't, but at this point I just want the whole thing done with. Being out of the lease is even better than having a sublet. I have a meeting tomorrow morning, so I'll know more about the process. The did tell me that I'd be out before the 1st of December.</i>
    This morning,
    I had an appointment with the Illinois Tenants Union.

    It didn't occur to me last night, but as I woke up this morning, I realized that the ITU could be a scam. They reside in a house up on Kimball and Montrose. They wanted me to bring $300 for their services. I might have ended up wearing a ball gag and dancing around to "Mama Mia" if wasn't careful. I consulted my associate.

    Jason suggested googling "scam" with their name, and nothing came up. I decided that if I was going to try to get out of my lease legally, I might as well go and see what they had to say. In a true motion of love, Jason went with me (he has jury duty today, and didn't need to be downtown till noon).

    As it turns out, pretty much any landlord is doing or not doing something that can lead to you legally breaking your lease. There are all sorts of sticky rules for a landlord to follow, and as a result, the ITU has been able to get people out of their leases in most cases.

    Unfortunately, as I am built from cells of sunshine, I felt mildly uncomfortable talking about how we were essentially entering a battle with my landlord. It's so icky.

    I do, however, wish to terminate my lease. The details are tedious, but it will be interesting to see what comes from all of this legal crap. The worse case scenario is a lawsuit. Hey, that could be fun.

    Truly, this makes me want to curl up in a rural ball and garden for a living. That or go to grad school.
    Anyway, today during my drive, I had an instant red-hot memory come out of nowhere and clock me one on the back of the head. A full, bright as day, vivid memory that left me feeling the emotion. I made a face, a kind of surprised grimace, and immediately felt ashamed. It's rare that I have these kinds of in-my-face memories. I must need to purge this one. I'm hoping that I can do so here.

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    I was in early elementary school, somewhere between 2-4th grade. My mother had given me $.15 or however much it cost to buy an extra carton of milk. Right before lunch, I went to retrieve my change for the bonus carton. I could only find the nickel. Dimes are small, but I looked everywhere. I checked everywhere in my backpack, and everywhere in my desk. I was upset, because an extra milk was a rare treat, as was using money at all. I was bitterly disappointed, and fought back tears as I walked (in line) all the way to the cafeteria.

    Somehow, during the lunch period, I got it into my little blonde head that Josh Puck must have taken my dime. I don't remember if I accused Josh of this, or if I told a teacher this, but I do remember the teacher (Mrs. Flagel, perhaps?) taking both Josh and myself outside the building and asking me again what was wrong. I told her that Josh had stolen my dime. She asked me why I thought that.

    I said,"Because he looks like he could have."

    Oh my God. What a thing to say. Here I'm stereotyping this poor classmate who lives with his grandmother, not unlike Neville Longbottom, as a thief. I don't remember Josh being that shifty as a child.

    The teacher was taken aback, and admonished me for my statement. Josh said he had a dime I could have (I really don't know if the dime was lost or stolen, it's besides the point) but the teacher waved him aside. She lectured me about making assumptions and such, and sent both of us on our way.

    I like to think that I was brought up in a household that was tolerant and free-thinking (except people who play Lotto – we have no patience for you) so I remain feeling stung about the incident. I made a bad decision in assuming Josh was responsible for my lost dime. I'd like to think that I wouldn't make the same kind of assumption now- or at least not without much more life experience telling me what's causal and what's stereotyping.

    <i>I need to come up with a term to refer to the time during my commute where I think thinky thoughts.

    Car thoughts
    Vehicular thoughticide

    I'll take suggestion in the comment field.</i>
    in my attempt to be productive (not professionally,
    but personally) at work yesterday,
    I didn't journal, and I didn't perform my usual ritual of checking Al and Jakes' journals.

    I did, however, learn about business grammar. Finally got that who/whom thing down. Whew. I also scrutinized Library Science graduate programs. Who's number one? U of Ill. Who would give me in-state tuition? U of Ill. Who is in Champaign, which makes Jason's face twist up like eating a tiny sour orange? U of Ill.

    If only U of Ill's stellar program was somewhere like Portland or Denver. I suppose one cannot base one's academic path on the site of the college. Quality, not location.

    In any case, I plan on spending the 8 hours I am here at work trying not to play Yahoo Games, but instead reading Jane Eyre. I'm not lying.
    I don't even like the idea of a 401(k). It's buying into the system I am at best wary of,
    and at worst loathful of. I'd rather own some land, but this seems to be the option I have at present to help ward off working at a McDonalds when I'm 87.

    Unfortunately, I have turned a blind eye to any financial information I might have been introduced to. Therefore, I have no idea about any of this, and the jargon is enough to frighten me into huddling on the couch eating marshmallows.

    I do have a legitimate reason for investing in my retirement. My great-grandmothers tend to live a long time. My g.grandma Wilslef was (and I'm rounding up by hours) 108 when she finally shuffled off. Her daughter, my grandma Green, is 87 and kicking it better than most 60 year olds. The chances of me living to see my skin turn papery are quite great. This is why I brush and floss. This is why I'm going to try my darndest to figure out the 401(k) business.

    I'm hoping, by vocalizing like this, to find a financial advisor amongst my friends. Dealings with money are often stigmatized- it's somehow embarrassing to talk about. Dealings with money that may or may not be lost is a legitimate cause for concern. I wouldn't want to be responsible for someone's investment decisions. I can understand that. I do want to be informed, however.
    I'm starting to listen to myself better. I can hear the patterns of what I'm thinking and saying. I am being rather introspective.

    This is not easy; oh no. To really observe one's own thoughts without analyzing takes a seriousness I usually do not employ. On a short-term,
    localized basis I have alienated myself just a little. Just enough to provide adequate focus to my inner reboot. In fact, I wasn't aware how methodical and purposeful I was being. I thought I was just in a small depression- about the size of a thumbprint in playdough.

    As it turns out, I am becoming a little more purposeful in my thoughts and actions. This comes as a relief to me, having been classified as having a high turnover rate of decisions and paths. I've analyzed the data, and this is what I've decided about myself:

    – I will always want change in my life, both in rate and intensity. Having settled on this, instead of seeing it as a character flaw or something I'd grow out of, I find myself being more deliberate with the 'next' actions I take. I seem to be constantly trying to find what I'm going to do next, for if I am not habitually changing something, I am preparing for it. "Next!" If I can become more thoughtful and deliberate in this pre-flight stage, I may end up making better decisions for myself. In fact, I might find myself on a path I don't want to change from.

    – I do wish for some rigidity in my life. Had I a child or a condo, I would be forced to make sensible decisions. I have certainly not exhausted myself, and I think I might never get tired of perpetual change. Hence, the attempt to be deliberate.

    – I am a farm girl. I am also an adventurer. I'm not sure how I'll balance these tugs, but I hope to fashion a device out of duct tape and plastic bags that will suit me for both desires.

    Right. Suddenly, I have actual work to do. How odd. Well, the Abbott and Peer Group Financial Comparisons aren't going to proof themselves!
    I cannot blame myself for my current thoughts on relationships. I've been listening on CD to Brigid Jones' Diary: Edge of Reason,
    since the movie is supposed to be crap and I want to remember it for what it ought to be. I have forgotten that chicklit makes me feel all wonky,
    and Britlit makes me want to talk like an Anglophile.

    Allison Lyman, you are in a tar paper shack of a relationship. Later, after you've tired of it and are finally done (shack burnt to ground) you'll think back and see how much you neglected. I need those livejournal entries to keep me sane. It's your fault I'm not.

    I dare say it's difficult to be selfishly honest with someone, when you know what they really want right now is pure (positive) support. There is no balance I have found for the knowledge that friend's relationship will end badly, and that you'll shoulder up support then too. Ah well, I can't complain. I've committed the same crimes.

    I'm still going to see the god damned movie, even if it sucks. I'll just wait till it's on video.
    If I eat a grilled cheese sandwich and drink a root beer,
    my belches taste like burned marshmellows!
    Holiday themed clothing is rarely a good idea. A blinking shirt is novel,
    at best. I feel my plains-born self shudder every time I see a turtleneck with turkeys on it.

    "Teacher sweaters" are even worse, because they aren't just for the holidays. In fact,
    the only thing worse than teacher sweaters is Bill Cosby sweaters. You know, the patterns that numb your brain just a little.

    I swear, when I'm a little old lady librarian, I will only wear cardigans. I think that's the dress code anyway.

    Reflecting for a moment, I do remember owning a turtleneck shirt with Monopoly items scattered on it.

    I take back my inflammatory comments about festive tops. It's a cry for creativity, and I am not going to fault anyone for attempting creativity.
    Hooptie. I managed to give myself the flu Monday, and stayed home from work. I think some call that "hypochondria" but I think it's legit. I spent the morning crying, then researched what it's going to take to get my car registered in Illinois, as well as getting a drivers license. The goddamn shit of it is that I splurged on the Iowa license that I got in '02 that's still good till '08!

    The big moment of my day was taking photographs of my now-empty apartment, shoving my bike in my car, and bravely asking the apartment manager for a receipt for returning my keys. If you're not in the know, I've utilized the Illinois Tenants Union (ITU) to break my lease. According to them, my landlord is charging illegal fees to relet, and therefore I can have my lease broken. I've followed the ITU rules, and now they'll serve some nice papers to the landlord and hope that I'll magically be sprung from my apartment. I'm just a little nervous that this will actually work, and I won't be stuck with a Logan Square studio and a pissed off landlord. I mean, they're only an advising group. They do have a jingle, though.

    I've finally figured out that if I stop using conditioner, I'll stop losing so much hair. Our hairtrap in the shower is absolutely disgusting. I mean, there are three people shedding hair and skin and semen into the shower every day. Now you understand.
    I didn't realize how much better I'd feel once I made some decisions around here. I've decided to stay at Abbott,
    move up to Waukegan, and work on grad school applications. Whew. Now all I need is a bed and a death-defying entrance essay, and I'll be set for the winter.

    I should start compiling a list of books to read during the cold dark nights. Life of Pi is up there, so's Staggering Work of Blah de Blah. I have a copy of Tropic of Cancer under my arm (cancer under my arm!) but I just haven't gotten into it yet.

    I've found that the best commute book-on-tape author is Kurt Vonnegut Jr. I don't feel stupid, and I don't have to pay attention like it's a Grisham novel.

    I'm too hepped up on sugar to write anything abstractly poignant. Let the line about armpit cancer be your shining moment while reading this.

    For some reason I keep thinking of Dan Potthast tunes and use the word "fruit snacks" to fill in the lyrics.
    It may not be infinately interesting,
    but I do like saying that I'm writing a piece for work on non-fusion spinal implant technology.

    My extra thoughts (non-work based) are all focused on how I'm going to find a bed,
    and how I'm going to get it from wherever it currently resides to my new apartment. Craigslist is snappy, but I'd have to haul it from Chicago up to Waukegan. There are thrift stores in Waukegan, but then I run a risk of getting a urine soaked scabies-fest of a bed. I guess I assume Craigslist is somewhat classier. Probably more cum stains.

    I seem to be dressing in "cute little old lady" fashion. I think it's the skirt I'm wearing, and I think I like it.

    I am somehow more disappointed in our most recent election now that I've learned that the Ukranian people managed to perform the mob function that we well-fed Americans could not. I suppose one factor is that they are probably more comfortable with their candidate that we were with Kerry.

    I'm already worried about 2008. Isn't that hilarious?