Monthly Archives: November 2005

book geeks :: geek books

These are the 20 top geeky books written in English since 1939, according to the Guardian.

1. The HitchHiker’s Guide to the Galaxy — Douglas Adams 85% (102)
2. Nineteen Eighty-Four — George Orwell 79% (92)
3. Brave New World — Aldous Huxley 69% (77)
4. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? — Philip Dick 64% (67)
5. Neuromancer — William Gibson 59% (66)
6. Dune — Frank Herbert 53% (54)
7. I, Robot — Isaac Asimov 52% (54)
8. Foundation — Isaac Asimov 47% (47)
9. The Colour of Magic — Terry Pratchett 46% (46)
10. Microserfs — Douglas Coupland 43% (44)
11. Snow Crash — Neal Stephenson 37% (37)
12. Watchmen — Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons 38% (37)
13. Cryptonomicon — Neal Stephenson 36% (36)
14. Consider Phlebas — Iain M Banks 34% (35)
15. Stranger in a Strange Land — Robert Heinlein 33% (33)
16. The Man in the High Castle — Philip K Dick 34% (32)
17. American Gods — Neil Gaiman 31% (29)
18. The Diamond Age — Neal Stephenson 27% (27)
19. The Illuminatus! Trilogy — Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson 23% (21)
20. Trouble with Lichen – John Wyndham 21% (19)

I’ve read six, but I think the other 14 are owned by Jason. I might make it my winter-break goal to read more of them.

One week without interslice

I’m home from a week in Buffalo, NY. I met 30 of Jason’s relatives. More to come on that later ( you can’t spend a week with adorable kids and not take pictures).

For now, I wanted to show you what I found while not really working on my LIS501 project due Tuesday: on, books that have been scanned now all have concordances. Here is my favorite book:

I saw Harry Potter and it’s 3:20 and I’m tired.


The majority of these movie-goers were children when they first read Harry Potter. Now they’re watching this movie drunk, in their pubcrawl teeshirts.

The movie was scary, dark (right, right, we knew that), a little sexy, and I’m not convinced that it was good. I’ll have to sleep on it (for a few hours, before waking up to go to class).

Welcome to the Greens, Tavin.

There’s a new babe in the family! Cous’ Shannon had her very first child on Saturday.


Now I have to start thinking of cute nicknames for Tavin. Hmmm. Uncle Tom’s Tavin. Ew, no. I’ve been watching too much Family Guy. Nivat. Tavvy. Vin. Yes! In my head, secretly, I’ll refer to him as Vin.

Woot! to Shannon for giving birth succesfully, something that is a feat unto itself.


You know who’s great? Jason.

You may think, “I already knew she felt that way”, but I had forgotten just how having a good, solid person on your team can be great.

Like, when you got the time wrong for the opening of the movie theater, and need them to go pick up HP tickets …

Or being late for class, and them driving you so you don’t miss your group (effing) project meeting.

Or when they go back to the movie theater A SECOND TIME to get the rest of the tickets that you had promised people you’d get them.

THAT, that is what makes you feel loved. Loved, and a bit guilty.

Huppy Day Thing, Jason!

Jason and I have been dating for two years now. We celebrated by going to IHOP, just like our first date.

Tonight we watched Scrooged, because that’s a way better tradition than eating gross pumpkin pancakes.

Happy [Dating] Anniversary. You’re neat and I like you!
Jason, in Ireland

Volunteer to proofread for Project Gutenberg!

This is a word geek’s secret pleasure. Yes, editing can be a drag. Proofing is editing’s ugly younger cousin from Nebraska. Distributed Proofreaders is a volunteer organization that provides proofing for Project Gutenberg.

Distributed Proofreaders

Still, having a hand in proofing all the public domain books that are being digitized is a good, helpful thing. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to read an article for class that has a misspelling because it wasn’t proofed. We might as well work on this as the stuff comes out, instead of waiting until it’s a problem.

Come on, sign up. I’m going to, and I’m super cool.

buy my teeshirt!

As I said earlier, I won the teeshirt contest, and now this awesome graphic is going to be spread thusly. If there’s anyone who would like one, here’s the order form!

this not this

The price is $13 per shirt, in black, brown, charcoal, red, navy, and kelly green (with white ink). There are also sweet french cut/fitted tees for $16 each in black, brown, charcoal in white ink and light pink and light blue with black ink.

Here’s me in last year’s shirt. It’s a french cut brown with white ink:

This one’s a large, so think big when choosing a size.

Orders are due by Nov 8 (what?! ah!) If you don’t have the time or discipline to get a check in the mail, or want me to pick up your shirt so you don’t pay shipping, email me at sundaykofax (at) We’ll work something out. Also, I know they buy extra shirts, so if you’re really inept, you might get lucky when you think about this in three months and then spend 45 minutes googling trying to remember where you read this.

Stephanie Alexander is pregant/famous

As I said earlier, I won the teeshirt contest, and now this awesome graphic is going to be spread thusly. If there’s anyone who would like one, here’s the order form!

this not this

The price is $13 per shirt, in black, brown, charcoal, red, navy, and kelly green (with white ink). There are also sweet french cut/fitted tees for $16 each in black, brown, charcoal in white ink and light pink and light blue with black ink.

Here’s me in last year’s shirt. It’s a french cut brown with white ink:

This one’s a large, so think big when choosing a size.

Orders are due by Nov 8 (what?! ah!) If you don’t have the time or discipline to get a check in the mail, or want me to pick up your shirt so you don’t pay shipping, email me at sundaykofax (at) We’ll work something out. Also, I know they buy extra shirts, so if you’re really inept, you might get lucky when you think about this in three months and then spend 45 minutes googling trying to remember where you read this.
Congrats to Stephanie,
for being featured in the Daily Q&A on the NANOWRIMO website! Check the lower left-hand side of the page.


She used the photo I took of her, too. Props all around! A rubber chicken for you! A hairspray-covered mirror for me!

Link to the full text of the Q&A.