Monthly Archives: December 2005

Overhead in Basil Thai Cafe

“No, I’m serious. There’s something really weird about library science.”

silence. friends nodding.

“I don’t know what it is about library science that’s so cultish, but I want to apply and find out.”
“Yeah, I heard that a guy got trapped in the stacks once. He was there at the end of the night, and they locked up with him still in there. Instead of using one of the phones, he took a stool and broke a window to get out.”
“What about the guy who was living there? I heard he was there for, like, two months before they found him. He had a lamp and a cot inbetween the shelves.”
“Well, and it’s haunted.”

nods of agreement.

Your virtual blog-sent Christmas letter

Dear So-and-so,

Well, another year is tucked firmly into the ol’ manila envelope. Because you know me, you understand why I think you want to hear about my year.

Boy, there have been a lot of changes around here! Last year this time I was waking up in the dark to NPR voices saying “six more were killed in Fallujah today” in that NPR-British accent, crying, then moping my way to the train that would take me to the corporate hellhole.

Since then, I dazzled (or spazzled) my way into grad school. In July Jason and I went on a sweet sweet roadtrip which included some quality time in New Orleans. This comes up later.

Round about the end of July, I moved out of my apartment, gave up my cat (named Katrina – mere weeks before the hideous natural disaster, which I feel is entirely my fault), and moved down to Champaign, IL.

I have a whole semester of grad school under my belt, and I finally feel I’m back on the overly lucky track of yore. I love grad school, I love learning about library crap, and I love that in a mere year, I’ll be done.

So, in case you’re skimming, life is good. I’m doing well, and you shouldn’t worry about me.

I’m stuck in the Chemistry Library today, but then I go home for a full bonanza of family happiness, then off to DC and NC for a fabulous, East Coast New Years where I get to hang out with friends and see family I miss dearly. (Molly! Tommy Vu! I’m coming!)

Not that I’ve posted a lot this semester (due to my enjoying my work and being busy during the day, and having other creative outlets), but it may be a bit sparse between now and the new year (which I’ve again promised myself I will not make into a terrible joke, every time I see someone – “Well, I guess I’ll see you next YEAR … guffaw, guffaw.”)

Have a stellar rest-of-the-year. I miss you terribly.
L o v e ,
S o n y a

Secular gifting

There’s something really nice about thinking of someone you love, and thinking of something you could buy them. For instance, given a bottomless wallet, I would buy my friend Angela a professional membership to LibraryThing or my brother a kayak.

But there’s something I don’t like about Christmas. I think it’s that I don’t get to savor the individual gifts I’m giving people, nor do I get to savor the gifts I get. Just today, I packed up a whole bunch of presents to send, and the doorbell rang. It was the always and standardly attractive guy from UPS.


So then I totally forgot about the satisfaction of buying the perfect book for a 9 year old, and proceeded to pet my new sewing machine.


I’ve been wanting this particular machine for about a year now, ever since I read this. Jason got it for me as a non-Christmas, just happens to be during the holidays, we don’t usually exchange gifts-gift.

No king, no king, la lala la la la

I’ve just gmailed off my last paper. It was a proposal (pretending that I was a REAL librarian working in a REAL public library) to bring in the High Strung to my (REAL) library to play a show for the library. Dewitt, Iowa is ready to rock.

I based this individual project on my group project: Kids Think the Library Is Lame. Make Them Stop.

It was much more fun than my ‘library boot camp’ project. Not that my group didn’t rock, but it was a bunk project.

Oh, you want more? OK, well there’s the body image/adbusting site I worked on for another class. Myah. (It has a bit of a Fug Yourself feel, it’s actually quite satisfying to leer at.

The point is, I’m done. I have a whole semester under my belt. I will not die penniless.

Festivus is for the rest of GSLIS

Congratulations to Stephanie! She’s a mom!

I don’t have any new-baby photos, but I do have the recently (like still dripping wet) photos I finally developed of her in October. Click on the photo for a few more. You’ll eventually be able to see the creme de la creme in the gallery, but I have to finish the semester first.


Last night was the long awaited Festivus/Glogg party. It was really quite nice. Enough people to have lots of coversations to choose from,
but not so many that the place got wrecked. And Angie brought a sippy cup, so there were no spills.

Check out the Flickr set, complete with Festivus pole, grievances, and feats of strength. (You can see the results of the sit-and-reach in one of the photos.)

This picture is horribly outdated!

Congratulations to Stephanie! She’s a mom!

I don’t have any new-baby photos, but I do have the recently (like still dripping wet) photos I finally developed of her in October. Click on the photo for a few more. You’ll eventually be able to see the creme de la creme in the gallery, but I have to finish the semester first.
