No king, no king, la lala la la la

I’ve just gmailed off my last paper. It was a proposal (pretending that I was a REAL librarian working in a REAL public library) to bring in the High Strung to my (REAL) library to play a show for the library. Dewitt, Iowa is ready to rock.

I based this individual project on my group project: Kids Think the Library Is Lame. Make Them Stop.

It was much more fun than my ‘library boot camp’ project. Not that my group didn’t rock, but it was a bunk project.

Oh, you want more? OK, well there’s the body image/adbusting site I worked on for another class. Myah. (It has a bit of a Fug Yourself feel, it’s actually quite satisfying to leer at.

The point is, I’m done. I have a whole semester under my belt. I will not die penniless.

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