It’s a … (the pink/blue post).
Avert your eyes now, if you don’t want to know the sex of The Soybean.
When we had an ultrasound, we were given the choice to know the baby’s sex*. We opted to find out. The ultrasound technician must have figured out a long time ago how to best handle this event, because she told us before she put the wand down on my belly that she’d be doing all the measuring, counting and observing she needed to do for the doctor, then she’d try to check the baby’s sex.
She plunked the wand down, and on the monitor, we saw a baby. Specifically, we saw the crotch of a baby. The Soybean was ass-up, legs splayed. The technician said “Well, usually we wait, but it’s obviously a girl.”
I looked over at Jason, and saw the most amazing thing. I could see his expression change, and I could hear the thought in his head (which was the same thing that was occurring to me), which was to say “I don’t have a baby, I have a daughter“.
It was a brief, subtle moment, but I will never forget it.
*Jason pointed out that we won’t know the baby’s gender until they’re old enough to tell us.
Granted I have had a particularly stressy week so emotions are high, but dangit if you didn’t just make me cry. Congrats lovely Wadsgreens!
What Keem said, except that I feel all squishy instead of cry-y.
OMG congrats! When are you due?