Best wedding evah: Kate and Ade
My friends Kate and Aden tied the proverbial a few weeks ago, and I have to say it was the the most <3 wedding I’ve ever been to. My desire is for weddings to be full of sincere promises and simple overatures. This one took the … cake.
The weekend in general was fantastic, and the wedding was the icing on … the … um … cake. A trip to Iowa always makes me cheerful, and I got to spend time with my sister, which made me super happy. There was a event miracle involving me realizing I forgot to apply deoderant before leaving for the wedding, and Marti having van deoderant. I’m still amazed at that.
The reception was chilly – so much so that I first turned to knee socks, then ended up changing into jeans (oh no! not that!) – but a metric ton of fun. I haven’t seen a lot of the Chicago crew, and it was nice to see them all again, in their Sunday best, no less. Shippy, for instance, I have not seen since Halloween. I haven’t seen Shippy’s sig.oth. since that past life when we worked on the same merchant ship (circa 1780).
Anyway, Jason and I were both thrilled at the ability for cool kids to have a chill wedding and have it mean everything it’s supposed to – without getting bogged down ritual. That’s just me, but since we’re looking at a RAGBRI wedding, convention is the last thing I’m concerned with.
In fact, my concern is with whether or not I have the ability to sew jersey. It should be … cake.
I agree! This is the type of wedding my boyfriend and I talk about, if we were to have a wedding, which we probably will someday. =) These kinds are so beautiful and inspiring for everyone involved! Not just an expensive showcase for the couple and their family.