From the garden

United is untied., originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

I’m so crankypants, I don’t care that ixould have tried taking a
better “we hate flying” photo. We’ve been on the plane, on the ground,
for two hours now. We were delayed by an air-conditioning problem that
involved turning the heat on us 🙁

We’re heading back for more fuel and a full explanation, according
to our pilot.

Bonus: a guy sitting ahead of me was on that famous flight (I learned
about it from Clay Shirky) that was grounded for hours and hours, and
resulted in the Passenger Bill of Rights. He’s not in a bad mood, so
maybe I’ll take my cue from him. Or maybe he’s a hollow shell from his
previous experience.

More crankypant posts to come!

Guess where this was,
originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

Inside my cat!

A jaunt to Concord,
originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

Thoreau, Alcott, Hawthorne, and Emerson are all buried at Sleepy
Hollow Cemetary.

Thoreau up!,
originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

Thoreau leads us around the replica of his cabin.

From the garden, originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

acorn sqash, oregano, peppers, carrots, dill, coriander, and
lavender. (Not all seen.)

  1. Oooooh. I’m so jealous! Our tomatoes sucked this year. They kept rotting off of the vine before they ripened up at all. I think it was all of the rain that we had early on. Looks like you had great produce this year.

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