G to the rizzo.

For those of you who requested I post more, I don’t know what you’re looking for, but this is what I have for you.

It’s raining.
My new phone stopped ringing. Like, it never rings, even after checking that it’s set on ‘ring’ and am using a Motorola-supplied tone (as opposed to Mindless Self Indulgence’s Bitches).
So I reset it.
Now my phone numbers are gone, and when I use iSync, they don’t show up again.
I know this should be doable, since Jason synched my phone in the first place.
But he’s not here.
Which reinforces the fact that I need him.
But not in that awwww nice way, in the petulant fix-it-for-me way.
Which makes me grumpy.
And want to post and bitch about it.
Which makes me loathe myself.
Because posts like these are no fun.
Whirling dervish of a downward spiral, leaving me no choice but to eat ice cream for dinner.
That is all.

  1. growr. I had to have SB fix the seat on yellowbike because I’m not strong enough to turn the bolts and the little bolty thing was cutting my leg. Then we went to Subway, but they were closed, but not really, but the people were too lazy and dumb to help us, so we went to a different Subway and had apple slices. The end.

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