You and Me and Everyone Wii Know

WoOt. Thanks to Graver’s tip (a text-message service that tells you when stores in your area get shipments of the Wii) I am a proud owner of a Wii. (For those of you who don’t know what it is, and are too lazy to click on the Wikipedia link, the Wii is a animatronic Shetland pony that is a combination Roomba/dishwasher. Just kidding. It’s a tattoo that uses glitter embedded under the epidermis.)


Yesterday, Jason got a text that Wii was at Circuit City. We called, and they told us they’d have them for Sunday. They said that they open at 10, but would hand out vouchers at 9 a.m. I took Jason to the airport this morning, and was back in town standing in front of Circuit City by 8:30. I was fourth in line. The CC flier said “minimum shipment of 10”, so we weren’t sure how many people were going to get their Wiis.

Standing in line

The girl in the photo let me sit on her blanket, which was nice because I was in my pjs (cat-hair-covered ninja pants and hoodie) having not considered that I’d need to stand outside. It began to sleet at 8:45, and by this time there were about 13 people in the line. At ten till, a bunch of people showed up. At 9:05 the smug CC employees came to pass out vouchers. I got my vouchers, waved goodbye to my temporary line friends, and went to IHOP to warm up, eat breakfast, and wait till the store opened.

wii voucher

(Sidenote: I had the double cinnamon swirl french toast, and it was very much like eating the insides of a cinnamon roll, which was fantastic.)

So now I’m at home, warm and full of cinnamon goo, with this Wii staring at me. I’ve started reading reviews of games, and I think my game plan is to figure out one that I know Jason and I will love and buy it. I’m pretty sure that’s going to be Warioware: Smooth Moves. I’ll rent others before deciding to buy.

  1. Oooooo. To my knowledge you are the first persons I know to have a Wii. Please document you’re every waking second with the seemingly fabo piece of tech! Have fun!

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