Week two: no fires.
I had a great day today. I weeded the J Mystery section (that’d be books like Encyclopedia Brown and Nancy Drew), mostly taking out books like Encyclopedia Brown and Nancy Drew. Exasperatingly, Boxcar Children are still popular, which means lots of real estate (and I’m not a big fan).
I now know some of the kids who frequent my department. After saying hello to two of the regulars, maybe 15 minutes later, one of them asked me where the origami books were. I had put out paper, scissors, and origami books for Crafternoon last week, and they wanted more. Origami blood lust. Awesome.
A reporter from the local paper came to interview me. Having a journalism degree, I knew enough to give nice full quotes, although I was in a jokey mood, and cited aluminum can deposits and the blueness of the state as reasons I moved to MA. It’s not entirely untrue (stupid Illinois and their lack of can deposit). Then he took what I’m sure will be a terrible picture of me pretending to pull out a book from a shelf, while looking at him from my bad side. (Little known fact: I indeed have a good side and bad side of my face. I’ve demonstrated it to few people, but I assure you, it’s a fact.)
A RE* teacher from the local UU* church came in looking for books, and I found out that her son lives in my building, and that there’s a knitting group every other Monday night at the church. Which was tonight.
I thought about going, and as I drove home (because it’s 20 degrees and snowing, I’m not biking right now) I thought about just getting home, putting on my pjs, and watching crap TV all night. Then I decided to implement a friend’s rule: Say yes to every offer for three months. I’m not going to make friends quickly unless I do stuff. So I did. I went to the UU knitting. It involved a chalice and thoughtful knitting and it made me miss going to church.
I know other cool stuff happened today, but I’m happy and tired, so I’ll go to bed with that.
*RE= Religious Education at a UU= Unitarian Universalist church
What’s with the removal of Encyclopedia Brown?! Donald J. Sobol writes an interesting 5 minute mystery. And who didn’t want Leroy’s talents as a kid? C’mon they’re good stuff and they’re not Goosebumps!
I weeded out the dogeared paperback copies of Encyclopedia Brown, leaving the ones that didn’t look too bad, and the hardbacks that were rather shiny by comparison. I should have mentioned that.
I do have a tenuous relationship with Mr. Brown. I was banned from reading in fifth grade because I sat behind a big kid, and would read Encyclopedia Brown and The Great Brain books during math and science. I wasn’t allowed to read for a month.
I found it pretty hilarious, even at the time. Luckily, so did my parents.
Loved the Great Brain books too! My brother read them and turned me on to them. I have most of them at home, collected from one or two schools that were sadly getting rid of their libraries!
Really? You didn’t like the Boxcar Children? I was obsessed with those books at one time. Not as much as Dr. Dolittle, but that’s a WHOLE other story…
I am so with you on Dr. Doolittle. Remember when he goes to Africa? With the pushmipulli?
You CANNOT remove the box car children. I read them, I know a 1st grader named Evan who is currently reading them, etc… Also, you are taking out Encyclopedia Brown- I really liked those too. I Suppose I should go back to my LEEP class now, because I feel old.