Knit or Get Off the Pot, Indeed.
I did it! (What?)
One of my life goals is to become a master knitter. There are two ways to do this. One is to hike to the top of a mountain to meet with a knitting guru who will inevitably poke one of my eyes out for insolence, the other is to join TKGA (The Knitting Guild Association), and sign up for the first of three steps to their master knitting program. You have to be a guild member to do this, so I signed up for the whole kit and Caboodle.
I learned about TKGA a long time ago, when I searched for “master knitting program” on some rediculous search engine that was popular during high school – Lycos, I believe.
“Master Knitter” has been on my list since ’97, but only after reading a Knitty article called “Suitable for Framing” did I finally put for the $77 for membership and Level I of the master knitting program. There are other perks to being a TKGA member – Cast On magazine and a secret handshake.
Here’s what I’ll have to do to pass Level I:
Sixteen samples are required to complete this level: three swatches each of ribbing and basic stitches and gauge, increases, decreases, yarn overs and cables. Fourteen questions and one report on blocking also required.
I’m pretty jazzed. Only recently did I learn good blocking (thanks to the iPod cozy design) and my first cable fell from my needles less than two months ago, but that’s just because I’m a lazy knitter. Soon I’ll be a fit and toned superhero.
I’m pretty sure this inducts me into the Masters of the Universe. Wow. Once I get my Masters of Library Science, I’ll be a double master, and a super geek!