My second attempt at the second annual request for $20
Hi all. So, this weekend I’m participating in the Walk of Hunger. About a month ago, I gave you fair warning that I was going to be soliciting donations. The time has come.
Ug. A post about asking for money. I certainly don’t relish doing it, but I believe in what Project Bread is doing, and in fact, the organization lives in my neighborhood, so I can tell you right now that it’s a worthy organization. So rest assured your money isn’t being wasted.
So why donate? It’s easy – it’s all web-based these’a days, so it’ll take you under 3 minutes.
Still not feeling it? Reasonable. There are lots of people asking for money for lots of programs, and right now is not the greatest time to ask people to give up their money. But here’s what I know: I love doing this, and it makes me happy to help. I would love it if you helped me participate.
So, now for all y’all who grew up listening to NPR and are conditioned to release your credit card info when you hear about the gifts, this is for you:
$10-$20 – 4×6″ framable photo of my choosing. You best know I’ll make it special just for you.
$20-$50 – Your choice: framed 8×10″ photo of my choosing (for you), or a mixed tape (in CD or .zip format) of my favorite songs.
$50-$100 – A pint bag of homemade granola sent to you.
$100+ – You get to choose the next name to add to Stella Physics VonBarf or a knitted pair of socks or arm warmers (deliverable within 6 months).
Hey there kiddo – did you ever find that “Candy is dandy” pic where you wrote on my feet? That’s the photo I want, if you can locate it. If not, then something sort of abstract, but obvious once you know what it is.
Done and done. Seriously. I have the negative, and I will scan it thusly. I’ll send you a lovely print, and email you a nice high-res version for yourself.
Granola me!! Yummmmmm!