Monthly Archives: November 2008

John Irving in libraries

A friend of mine works at the Plymouth Regional High School in NH. He’s responsible for their zine collection and their movie club (therefore fits neatly into the ‘hot librarian’ category).

He pinged me to brag that after their committee to evaluate challenged books (to non-library/school folk, I mean books that are scrutinized for being inappropriate) sat down to look at John Irving’s “Hotel New Hampshire“, and deemed it appropriate enough to stay.

The head librarian wrote a letter to John Irving, and he wrote them back, and sent signed copies of 5 of his books. How awesome is that?

Can you imagine how many letters J.D. Salinger would have to write?

RIP Michael Crichton

I read almost everything Michael Crichton wrote, in junior high, high school, and college. I even read his autobiography, Travels, which is about as close to The Celestine Prophecy as I’ve seen. (Who knew dude had a transcendent conversation with a cactus?)

Anyway, I grew out of Crichton’s books. I don’t mean to make that sound like his writing is for younger people – I just read so much of his that I couldn’t read any more (same with Elizabeth Peters/Barbara Michaels and M.C.Beaton).

Books can be like blinders, ushering you though time not with guidance, but with an alternate place to be – to be comfortable. Crichton did this for me, and so I’m a little bit sad today.

Ukuleles in libraries

I’ve always thought there was room for the right library in the right community to have unconventional items for the community to borrow. It’s rare that I wish I had a crepe pan or electric drill, but when I do, I only want it for a couple of hours.

So it made my heart happy when I read a Library Journal article yesterday. It combines two of my favorite things: libraries and ukuleles (specifically, a library that circulates a ukulele).

Better than a sticker

Better than a sticker, originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

My polling place didn’t have stickers. I took matters into my own hands.

“My war paint is Sharpie ink” – Kimya Dawson

Election Day Fashion

Election Day Fashion, originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

I’m wearing my lucky shirt, and Jason’s wearing his lucky PowerBook.

We finally broke it to Stella that she can’t vote for McCain, because
cats can’t vote. Jason deemed her a Republican, because she’s scared
of her own poop.