Past mile 8

My heart goes into palpitations every time I watch this. I like how the person holding the camera starts making sounds like ghosts at the end, as they can’t handle the cute and their brain starts to melt.

Long ago, I used to play the game “If You Were an Animal, What Would You Be?” with my friends. You know – Sam is a polar bear, Jason’s a human, Christa was a gelflin.

It took me a few months to figure out Allison’s, but I was watching TV and saw the “>slow loris. They look like Ewok/teddy bear/large hamsters, and they have toxin glands in their armpits. That sums up Allison – supercute, but bitey.

That being said, if I were as cute as a loris, I’d need a defense mechanism too, or I’d end up without any fur from all the tickling.

On the Walk for Hunger,
originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

At 1.5 miles with Civitron and the Secret Society of Superheroes.

Past mile 8,
originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

Jason is a born walker.

  1. You guys are awesome. We looked for you in the crowd around Trader Joes, did you hear someone honking and screaming “SONYAAA”? That was us. No? Oh well.

  2. Oh, I assumed it was someone driving into the Trader Joes parking lot screaming “lasagna!”


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