My evening
Loran’s chickens
Teddy Bauer and I in the subway. He graciously met me at the bus, and
accompanied me towards the train. Next stop, home. I really liked his
hat. And general spunkiness.
Loran’s chickens
Teddy Bauer and I in the subway. He graciously met me at the bus, and
accompanied me towards the train. Next stop, home. I really liked his
hat. And general spunkiness.
I like the poster in the background –FO CUS– the perfect thing to be in the background of a photograph.
oh DONYA! yay. so great to see you for the span of 10 minutes. i credit you for breaking my chinatown-bus-top cherry. next time let’s plan ahead and drink.
and my god…i haven’t been called teddy bauer in a long time. god i’m old.