In two scarily short days, I’ll be walking in the 40th annual Walk for Hunger. I’ve bought Dr. Scholl’s inserts for my hiking shoes, and I think I’m ready to rock.
Well, carbo load, then rock.
I would love it (love it!) if you donated to the ol’ fund. You get cookies in return – so even if you hate donating money, buy some really expensive cookies!
Oh, stop being a baby and do it –>>> mwah!
All the cool kids have donated – my mom, for example. (In fact, she donated and asked that I bake my father cookies for his birthday, awwww.)
Just past mile 3.
Mile 8.2. Snack time. Also, be part of a documentary.
Its just Civitron, Scott, and me.
20 miles, 7 hours.
This is what it looks like to work at LibraryThing. Click on the photo to see information on the items in the picture.
Hmm, it’s not quite a exciting as I’d pictured, although now I’m not sure what I had in mind.
Maybe something like the bridge of the old Enterprise, with Casey running up to Tim and saying “Cap’n, the Library of Congress Z39.50 connection is down — the users are saying they’ll defect to GoodReads if they canna add records with good metadata!”
And Tim could say “Abby! Get on the forums and calm things down by telling the users to use records from Yale or ILCSO!”
And then Abby could say “Dammit Tim, I’m a *librarian,* not a miracle worker!”
Yeah. That’s what I pictured. (And you can be Nurse Chapel — I bet you could totally pull off a mini skirt uniform. 😉 )
Hmm. I’m more of a Uhura, with the communication and all. Same short skirt uniform, luckily.
“Tim, hottlibrarian82 has hailed us – the Librarians Who LibraryThing are furious!”
Ah, good call. I think I originally had Abby as Uhura, but then the “Dammit Tim” line was too good to pass up. And yes, the Librarians Who LibraryThing definitely fill the role of the mysterious female aliens in furry metallic bikinis. And ponytails.