BookMooch is the new Netflix

I’ve been wondering for a while how a Netflix-style entertainment distribution system could be used for books. There’s Bookcrossing, but that only works if you happen upon the tome. The whole Netflix thing works so well because the items are lightweight.

I’ve been mulling this over, because I grew up as a librarian’s daughter, and therefore discouraged from purchasing books. Compounding this is Librarything, where I can peer into the collections of my friends. How can this work together?

(I realize that the obvious answer is the public library system. Not only do they have an online database of materials, but they’re conveniently located EVERYWHERE. I’m thinking about something more long term, where I could keep the book for 6 months if I wanted, without having to renew.)

I read today on BoingBoing about a site called BookMooch. It’s a “community for exchanging used books” and I’m in love. I would happily send away copies of books I’ve bought and am only keeping because no one has asked to borrow them. I’d pay shipping happily, since I won’t rack up fines.

(And think about it – us librarians could use some help weeding. I just helped 3 librarians move, and there were more book boxes than anything else.)

I’m going to go check it out. I’ll be under sundaykofax.

  1. I’ve heard and looked into, but BookMooch looks much more interesting.

    I’m enjoying your blog and reading about the library school I almost went to, but didn’t because I’d been there for undergrad and wasn’t ready for more. Good luck this semester.

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