Empty Gesture
Jake, after being horribly angered by the Support Our Troops magnets on every SUV in Wisconsin, took the matter into his own hands, and created Empty Gesture stickers.
Why stickers? So Republicans can’t remove them as easily. I think it will only be a matter of time before the yellow ribbon is mocked in a large manner of ways, much like those yellow Lance bracelets. I have a glow-in-the-dark blue one that signifies my alliance with and proud use of Corona beer.
Jake is filling a niche though. I saw this on a car in the parking lot of Jewel. I don’t know if you can see it, but someone took what looks to be black nail polish and wrote ‘assholes’ over ‘America’.
If you’d like your own Empty Gesture, Paypal $3 to Jake@specificobjects.net with your snail mail address, and he’ll mail it to you thusly.