NPR Semi-annual Annual Fund Drive
Noooooooooooooooo! It’s happening again! It seems like just yesterday that I was pledging to Chicago NPR. I got in the car yesterday, turned on the radio, and immediately comprehended that it was fund drive time by the chatter and phones in the background, over-enthused announcers spouting the benefits of NPR, and the general lack of normalacy.
This morning, as I always do during fund drives, I found a different station to listen to. Next up the dial was WXRT. I must have been paying attention to the road (ha!) because I didn’t notice that I changed the dial. XRT seems to be lampooning the NPR drive by having their announcers “wittily” recreate the usual banter between hosts during the pledge drive. Once I realized that the telephone ring sound effect was being played exactly every three seconds, I caught on. Why would you parody the pledge drive? Trying to feel snobby? I immediately changed the station, because the irritation a pledge drive really does get under my skin.
If I hated the general format of a pledge drive, why would any of their usual listeners find it amusing? Any novelty is outweighed by constant over-eager reiterations of how neat NPR is. I bet this doesn’t do well for ratings …
Then I realized that the reason I loathe the pledge drive is because it DOES interrupt my usual NPR programming. Just like they say. I’m cranky about it because I like it so much. I heart NPR.
Had I not already “given” to NPR six months ago ($100 and the promise of my firstborn got me a sweet bag and a membership card) I would have immediately, today, in the parking lot. It was a religious experience.
(Best comment overheard this morning: “I was raised in a Catholic orphanage…”)
thanks for the reminder; I’ll have to scrabblke about and see if I have anything to pledge. I never have before (poor student thing and all), but I should donate something that represents a pittance for the hours and hours I’ve listened to NPR in the past coupla years.
also, glad to know someone else out there likes NPR. There are not enough NPR lovers in the circles I currently travel in.
This is awful, but I got more altruistic-karma juice/hoity-toityness out of telling them that I’d rather not have the gift, because that would be more money that would ultimately go to them. Great thing to do, but snobby reason.
(Leah, I think we have the same glasses.)