Forgotten, but not lost

My morning, originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

Loran’s chickens

My evening,
originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

Teddy Bauer and I in the subway. He graciously met me at the bus, and
accompanied me towards the train. Next stop, home. I really liked his
hat. And general spunkiness.

My night, originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

Watching the IA WI OT on the plane. I heart Jet Blue. Go Hawks!

but not lost,
originally uploaded by sundaykofax.

As I was checking my bag at the United terminal, I realized I had
forgotten the LTFL banner. I looked up, and saw that my flight was
going to be an hour late. Never before has a United eff-up work to my
favor. To wit, I walked home and retrieved the banner. Huzzah!

  1. That is crazy. No one could walk to O’Hare – there isn’t even a path for a bike (that I’ve ever seen – but there is probably a secret one for the hardcore cyclists)

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