Greetings from sunny Chicago!

Kidding. It’s cold and dreary. My plane got the mopes, and my flight has been delayed. That’s why I’m posting at 6 AM. I’m eating waffles and peanut butter (a culinary trick Aden taught me – don’t think of them as waffles. Think of them as … exciting bread.) and getting ready to brave Chicago public transportation to O’Hare.

It’s nice to think about all my friends are asleep right now in their beds. (Except Allison. She’s in Japan. Oh, and [Librarian] Kim. She’s on her way to China.)

  1. your little brother was awake. he was gathering information about several species of nocturnal mamals and marsupials indigenous to the southern portions of Clinton County, Iowa.

  2. You’ve been hanging out with John Porth too much. Dad said you were on a walk to the timber, with a baseball bat.

  3. i cant say for sure, but it looks like someone might get to wear their hoodie tomorrow…


    voulez vous manger avec moi? im having soba and bean cakes.

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