I was reading Miss E’s blog, and found out about NaBloPoMo, which is a blog-a-day version of NaNoWriMo.
The goal is to write a blog post every day in November. I used to write every day, back when I had a soul-sucking day job. Now that I’m not wirelessly shackled to my computer, I find myself writing less. As you can see by my archives.
So, despite the fact that I missed the first day of November, I’m going to participate in Namblarimo. Wait. Nabby Bloggerson. Narblooosh. Ner ner ner ner. Ack.
In fact, I’ll make up for yesterday by posting twice today. Perhaps I can backdate … (wait, Jason might not like that).
I’m all out of the habit of blogging. I don’t have much in the way of astute observations or quippy commentary, but I think given a couple of days, I’ll get my proverbial groove back.
In the meantime, let me tell you the story of finishing the Rogue hoodie. I’ve been talking (and blogging) about this knitting pattern for at least a year now. I started knitting it a few months ago, and finally finished it last night. I put it on and stand in front of the mirror.
It’s perfect …. ly too small. It’s perfect in its proportions, in the fine cabling, in the exactly exact stockinette stitch. It’s just too small. I don’t know what to do with it. I actually haven’t thought about it too much, because I think I might cry. I don’t think I know anyone smaller (and shorter) than me who I’d be willing to just give to. I guess I could sell it on the handmade-knits black market. Any suggestions?
In other news, I’m about 10 hours away from getting on the train and heading to Ann Arbor for the weekend. I’m going to scout out the public library system, in case they want to hire me, and get a whole lot of work done.
I’m writing an article for Public Libraries Quarterly on disasters in smallish public libraries, tentatively titled: “Snakes in the Library”. I have to put together the lit review and a section on … I forget … snakes … by next Friday.
I also have already started knitting my next sweater:
It’s not for me.