Also from the same evening, this is a little game I like to play called “Who’s Not Evil?”
There are varying degrees of evil in this photo, but it’s ok, see, because E is wearing magical armwarmers.
Also from the same evening, this is a little game I like to play called “Who’s Not Evil?”
There are varying degrees of evil in this photo, but it’s ok, see, because E is wearing magical armwarmers.
You know what I like? Old-timey medical names. I’ve always liked to throw in “rickets” when I don’t know the word I mean. C’mon. Remember that Johnny Socko song “If I Didn’t Have a Goiter”?
So while reading Stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers, I ran across a footnote that made me giggle (p. 226). Ready?
Hectic fever
Roach, Mary. (2003). Stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers. W.W. Norton & Co: New York.
I’m totally making this. I’ll have to find some hand-dyed yarn, or do it myself.