Pez MP3

Someone threw together an MP3 player using a Pez dispenser. Now they’ve gotten permission to produce it legally.

Good GOD. I had no idea. I’m kind of upset that I didn’t think of it myself, but I guess this just means I need to create something else out of a Pez dispenser. Hmmm.

You may not know this, but I’m a pez aficionada. I started collecting in high school, with my mom. I have about 150 Pez, last I counted. In college, boys would woo me with a Pez dispenser. I’d laugh in their face and say “I already HAVE that one.”

There are Pez in production now, and there are Pez that are out of production. My attentions became fixated on the out-of-production Pez, like the Wounded Soldier (my favorite), or the Pez gun (candy suicide).

I used to have dreams where I’d be in some antique shop or flea market, and find a rare old Pez. See, this happened once – I found an original in an antique store in Welton, Iowa. I bought it for $7, and it’s worth much more.

Anyway, my Pez interests waned, probably because I have the purchasing power to buy much more expensive hobby items. Then again, this has given me a chance to go back and find all the ones that are on the market now.

I still have this incredible knowledge base of the old variations, and some surprising Pez facts. I think that should be another post on another day.

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