You know when you’re kind of bored, and in the bathroom – and you end up tweezing off more eyebrow than you intended, or putting on all the makeup you have, or doing something complex to your hair, or spending inordinate amounts of time looking at the folds of your ear?
Last night I was pawing through my jewelry box. I have a surprising amount of jewelry, considering I never wear any of it, and the best part is it’s all held in a Caboodleâ„¢. I found my old belly ring, and wondered if the hole in the top of my belly button was still open.
Turns out it still is. For the hell of it, I put in the smallest ring I have. It’s kind of cute, but it’s kind of stupid now that every 18-year-old has it too. *Taking an angry drag on a cigarette* Man, back when I had MINE done, no one else did, and it was COOL. *stub stub*